Recent content by Jori

  1. J

    If You Shake the Anxiety, You Lose the Suffering

    @msroach89 I'm doing a little better now. I am at least in a place where I can cope, yet definitely not yet where I was. I think the "objective" sound has returned to its old volume, but "subjectively" it is much more present. It still strikes me as odd, I was doing four years without suffering...
  2. J

    If You Shake the Anxiety, You Lose the Suffering

    @msroach89 This is incredible. I am in exactly such a situation. I have had tinnitus for five years now. Was extremely troublesome in the first year. Second year already much better. After that no nuisance at all. I could read with earplugs in. I could sleep with earplugs in. No masking...