Recent content by Joshua b

  1. J

    Whooshing When Lying in Bed

    BTW im only 16 and i developed tinnitus on december randomly searching the web i have 3 sounds i high pitched tone a mid pitched tone and a low pitched tone sounds weird but the low pitched tone i could only hear in silenece
  2. J

    Whooshing When Lying in Bed

    Is it really pulsitle tinnitus because it doesnt match my heartbeat but goes in rythym some times and it ussually isnt constant i hear it for a couple seconds then it goes away then comes backs sometimes its one whoosh or pop at a time and thank you for relying
  3. J

    Whooshing When Lying in Bed

    Im experiencing the exact same thing!!! I can also press on my neck and hear the whooshing sound this mostly happens at night i thought it was Eustachian tube dysfunction because my ears popped when i swallowed but i dont know right now im having so much anxiety. Have you found the cause or what...