Recent content by jp1995

  1. jp1995

    T has reduced to the point of being unnoticeable except when I am in bed. No longer elicits...

    T has reduced to the point of being unnoticeable except when I am in bed. No longer elicits anxious reactions. Can sleep soundly in silence.
  2. jp1995

    Tinnitus Stopped Mattering to Me

    good luck getting better with that attitude my friend
  3. jp1995

    Tinnitus Stopped Mattering to Me

    Based on threefirefours chart, I was at an 8 for at least 2 months during the onset. It has reduced to 1-2 now, I also believe that T is extremely subjective and it’s hard to impossible to accurately measure where your at because to me, where I am at depends on how much I pay attention to it...
  4. jp1995

    Tinnitus Stopped Mattering to Me

    Hey John, For me it, as cliched as it sounds, I just tried occupying my time with other things, rather than just sit around worrying. I was declining to do really anything that involved me leaving my house. Since that was where I was mentally, I figured that I needed to find a way to occupy my...
  5. jp1995

    Tinnitus Stopped Mattering to Me

    I did not have an audiogram, but I definitely have hearing loss, I am 22 and have been playing in a band since I was 15. I do still hear tinnitus but it is perceived as part of who I am. Silence is a buzzing sound and that’s alright. That being said, it’s quieter, and I believe habituation...
  6. jp1995

    Tinnitus Stopped Mattering to Me

    FULL DISCLOSURE: I still hear tinnitus. But I need to be honest, tinnitus eventually becomes nothing. I know the exact date I got tinnitus, November 20, 2017. It was noise exposure, I play and continue to play in a band. I took a few months off because tinnitus scared me a lot, I was afraid to...
  7. jp1995

    @Holly1987 the only thing I’ve really done and continued to do is use a fan at night to sleep...

    @Holly1987 the only thing I’ve really done and continued to do is use a fan at night to sleep. Habituation has either made it seem quieter or it actually is quieter. Not checking on it also helps a lot. Also use earplugs in loud areas such as music concerts, nothing else though.
  8. jp1995

    I’m doing much better. Life has been normal like it was before T for about 1 month now. Before...

    I’m doing much better. Life has been normal like it was before T for about 1 month now. Before then I had good days and bad,mostly good now
  9. jp1995

    Why Am I Still So Worried?

    I have had tinnitus for the last 5 months or so. I have good and bad days. Usually it seems to be weeks of good days followed by weeks of bad days. To me, tinnitus, yes, of course is an annoyance, other than that, it does nothing to me. I worry about it before sleep, but can usually fall and...
  10. jp1995

    Can I Still Use Earphones?

    i always hear bad things about ear and headphones on this website. since i got T about 5 months ago I have continued using earbuds with no noticeable increase in T volume. I keep it at a reasonable volume, before T i would play at full.
  11. jp1995

    I Hope This Will Help Those Going Through the Panic Stage

    its really great to hear about a musician continuing to play with their band. i went to my first show since i noticed my T yesterday (with musicians earplugs) and everything was great and I had a good and comfortable time. I can't wait to start playing with my band again. Do you have any links...
  12. jp1995

    Strange Short Spikes, Followed by Quiet

    Since yesterday I have had 3 very short spikes, less than 10 seconds generally, but it literally feels like there is something in my ear, or my ear feels shallow, during these spikes. My regular tinnitus also seems to get quieter after them. Does anyone know what this is? My regular tinnitus I...
  13. jp1995

    Why Do People Always Say "the Noise Is Harmless"?

    Apologize for this post. Having a bad day. I just don't get understand how tinnitus noise is "harmless" what is harmless about stress and anxiety and difficulty sleeping? I would consider all of that harmful. I'm almost 3 months into this and I still think about it almost all day and certainly...
  14. jp1995

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 1: What Techniques Do You Use to Manage Your Tinnitus?

    notched white noise at night, other than that nothing
  15. jp1995

    Dentist Appointment for Cavities — Should I Be Worried?

    I have a dentist appointment for a toothache I've been having on my left side, which is the side with most of my tinnitus, should I be worried? I really need to get this done because I can barely eat with my left side of my mouth and it sucks.