Recent content by Justwanttoshare

  1. Justwanttoshare

    Pulsing Sound When I Yawn or Burp

    Just to add to my post becuase it won’t let me edit it for some reason, my pulse was the left ear, hence rubbing the left rear neck muscle. If your pulsing is happening in your right ear, then rub the right side of your neck instead of course.
  2. Justwanttoshare

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    I joined for the sole purpose of sharing what I believe is the cure for this pulsing or thumping sound inside the ear. I know cure is a strong word but in my opinion it is. I noticed there a link to another forum talking about this so I will post this there as well. First I’ll describe my...
  3. Justwanttoshare

    Pulsing Sound When I Yawn or Burp

    I joined for the sole purpose of sharing what I believe is the cure for this pulsing or thumping sound inside the ear. I know cure is a strong word but in my opinion it is. I noticed there a link to another forum talking about this so I will post this there as well. First I’ll describe my...