Recent content by katriina

  1. katriina

    Getting a tattoo and question about the sound?

    @Grace Wow your tattoo must be amazing!! Would you like to put photo of it here?? I would love to see that! :)
  2. katriina

    Getting a tattoo and question about the sound?

    I'm just worried about the volume of tattoo machine because neck is so close to my ears... It would be just small tattoo so it would be done quickly... Should I wear earplugs? Does anyone have experiences about getting a tattoo?
  3. katriina

    The Positivity Thread

    Yesterday I was spending time with my friends and guess what... they decided to sing karaoke. Yaiks!!! Well, I decided that I won't let T to tell me what to do so... I just put my earplugs in and took the risk. And guess what guys! It didn't have any effect to my T!! Even though my friends are...
  4. katriina

    The Positivity Thread

    Here is my tinnitus update and some advices for you guys! At first when I got T I almost seriously thought I would lose my mind with this.. I always thought that I was alone with this and I also went to silent places to see if my T is still there... Well, guess what, it always was there. That...
  5. katriina

    Sensory Hair Cells Regenerated in Mammal Ear

    This could be our new way to raise tinnitus awareness :D "We are just so desperate!" lol
  6. katriina

    Does Your Tinnitus React to Some Electronics?

    Like old CRT TV etc? Mine T goes crazy when those are around, it gets always louder!
  7. katriina

    The Positivity Thread

    Today was the first school day I didn't think about tinnitus during it! I didn't listen to it, I didn't plug my ears to see if it's still there and if tinnitus came in to my mind, it was a pretty neutral thought! I also ate ice cream that I haven't eaten in two years with my friend and I...
  8. katriina

    Can Stress Bring a New Noise?

    @citigirl13 Exactly! My parents are like "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist!" .... well if that is the case, then why I still hear it? :D
  9. katriina

    Can Stress Bring a New Noise?

    Oh and my family didn't believe me when I said that I don't have just one voice in my head, I could easily have like 5 different noises.... They looked at me like I was totally crazy!
  10. katriina

    Can Stress Bring a New Noise?

    I have a huge exam tomorrow and after that I don't have to stress about it anymore but my biggest reason for stress is tinnitus and I guess that when I'm stressed about tinnitus ----> Tinnitus gets louder and creates possible new sounds ----> Tinnitus increased loudness and new sounds stress me...
  11. katriina

    Can Stress Bring a New Noise?

    I'm having a lot of stress and I think that my head is ringing more than ever... Could it be because of stress? Is is possible that my tinnitus could calm down if I can reduce my stress? I'm thinking of getting antidepressants to ease my anxiety... And I'm still not sure if it is good sign that...
  12. katriina

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I just can't believe if they start human trials soon... it's like we have spoken about hair cell regeneration so long that it has started to sound some kind of fairytale like unicorns :D
  13. katriina

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I always think smartphones when we have to speak about timelines, it seems like it was just yesterday when they developed the first touchscreen phone and now we have iPhone 5!
  14. katriina

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    They are saying that cure for tinnitus could be here in 10 years, it woud be silly if even before that there wouldn't be any treatment to reduce the sound! And after ten years I'm only 28 so I guess I have many years of silence left :) Imagine how weird it's going to be when we can sleep in...
  15. katriina

    I'm Back, but Just for Today

    So if I got this right, you study audiology? Did you decided this after you got tinnitus or have you always wanted to study it?? :)