Recent content by Kimberly1080

  1. Kimberly1080

    I've Given Up, Tinnitus Has Ruined Everything for Me

    I so remember those days when my tinnitus first started. I was on my way to work, it was quiet in my car and it was as if a switched turned on and I heard a loud ringing in my ears. I thought I was going to go crazy. I worked in a quiet environment and when it didn't go away, I made an...
  2. Kimberly1080


    I have to agree with @JurgenG regarding seeing tinnitus experts in the field. My husband listened to a speaker for me, because I could not attend and she had some very wise things to say. I have that information around somewhere. I have only used headphones for talking during a class through...
  3. Kimberly1080


    I just joined Tinnitus Support Talk and thought I would introduce myself. I am a wife, mother, Social Worker, writer, enjoy taking pictures, and have created three blogs. I have had tinnitus since about 2004 and was told it is due to hearing loss, but I think a part of it is due to the...