Recent content by Kingdawson

  1. K

    Got Screamed at Today... Worried :(

    Your boyfriend sounds like a waste of space twat to be honest. When he's sleeping shout in his ear(s) and see how he likes it. Chances are he will understand tinnitus a little better.
  2. K

    Can Tinnitus Just Fade Away?

    My tinnitus completely went away after around 5 months so have faith it definitely can go away.
  3. K

    The Positivity Thread

    Hi guys haven't been on here a while. Just wanted to say my Tinnitus went away completley after being with me for around 5 or so months. It was mild tinnitus and could only be heard in a quiet room but it's gone completley and i hope it never makes a comeback (been 3 months sound free). Wanted...
  4. K

    Can Tinnitus Really Go Away or Is It a Myth?

    Yes it can. I had it in my left ear (although it was quite mild) for months and now I can hear silence.
  5. K

    I Have Yet to Hear Anyone Suffering from My Type of Tinnitus

    Tried Valerian roots previously and they did nothing for me. Heard a lot of great things about Melatonin but its not available over the counter here in the UK which is a shame. Will go to the doctors about amitriptyline. Cheers for always being helpful, it's much appreciated. I've always said...
  6. K

    I Have Yet to Hear Anyone Suffering from My Type of Tinnitus

    Hi guys just wanted to give an update. So for the last 2 weeks I haven't heard the sound anymore. Even if I look for it I usually don't find it (in a dead silent room) so i'm relieved but it's preoccupied my brain so much over the last few months that I'm still suffering from sleep issues and...
  7. K

    Tinnitus Is Back Again in My Right Ear

    I know mate but believe me it's easier said then done when you've suffered from Anxiety for a large chunk of your life.
  8. K

    I Have Yet to Hear Anyone Suffering from My Type of Tinnitus

    I understand that mate and I've literally become overly cautious now because of this.
  9. K

    Tinnitus Is Back Again in My Right Ear

    Amazing what reassurance can do to someone that suffers badly from Anxiety. My first bout of T also went away completely after some reassurance. Have faith mate and at least you're aware it can go away so keep that in the forefront of your head and don't let anxiety make it worse
  10. K

    I Have Yet to Hear Anyone Suffering from My Type of Tinnitus

    Hi guys haven't posted here in a while so wanted to give another update. My tinnitus is extremely odd and I'm almost certain it's my terrible anxiety that is the issue rather than the tinnitus itself. If you don't know my story it's basically in my left ear and it's very low almost non...
  11. K

    Tinnitus Continuing Because of Anxiety?

    Very much appreciated on your kind words. Seeing a therapist about my health anxiety in a couple of days which will hopefully help out. Still find myself muting tv's...going into quiet rooms...checking if I hear a sound. Still get super anxious in the night in case I hear something out of the...
  12. K

    Tinnitus Continuing Because of Anxiety?

    Very much appreciated on the advice mate. I'm definitely going to be super cautious now if and when i do go out clubbing. Ear plugs for sure and if the music is loud i'm leaving straight away. One thing this has open my eyes to is the amount of people i know that has some form of T (all of them...
  13. K

    Tinnitus Continuing Because of Anxiety?

    Update again guys: So basically the slight sound in my left ear is virtually not existant and can rarely hear it (even in silence). It's a weird one to be honest. If i close my effected ear, sleep on it, etc etc i never hear anything. If i sleep on the non effected ear i can hear something on...
  14. K

    Tinnitus Started in the Middle of the Night...

    Yep same here mate. My girlfriend and all my mates all talk about that noise they hear in complete silence if they concentrate on it. They talk about it as if its completley normal which really confuses me. They also call it "head noise". I even spoke about it with a co worker today and he...
  15. K

    Tinnitus Continuing Because of Anxiety?

    Just an update Since my last post my T simply vanished and i could not hear it. That lasted for a week or so but i kept testing and kept testing and sure enough i thought i heard a slight sound in my left ear again which caused me to be anxious. I get extremley panicky when i'm by myself in...