Recent content by kiwikel

  1. kiwikel

    Caring for My Hearing

    I wish it was Blackpink! I used up most on my money to see BTS in September, so going to their concert would have been too expensive. I'll make sure to have earplugs and earmuffs and if I feel that it's too much, I'll leave. I just can't really cancel. I bought the tickets before tinnitus and I...
  2. kiwikel

    Caring for My Hearing

    Thank you so much :) I love, love music and concerts so being stuck in this situation breaks my heart. I'm always far from the speakers in concerts usually, but in May, I'll be quite close to them. I'll wear earplugs for sure, but is there any chance it could still worsen after?
  3. kiwikel

    Caring for My Hearing

    I need some help in figuring out what I can do to try and not make my tinnitus any worse. When using earbuds, or listening to music in the car, how do I know if it's too loud? I definitely feel like after a long day of being around lots of noise, my tinnitus feels louder. What can I do to be...
  4. kiwikel

    Occasional Tinnitus Forever, Now Permanent

    Fullness in the ears, changes to my hearing (slight), sometimes feeling like my ears are plugged, my ears sometimes feel ticklish, sometimes a little bit of a pain/pressure and of course, tinnitus
  5. kiwikel

    Occasional Tinnitus Forever, Now Permanent

    I've always loved music but these past years I've tried to be more mindful of how loud I played it because I felt like I was starting to lose some of my hearing. But before that, I would play it very loud. I've also went to a lot of concerts in the past years, the last one being in September. I...
  6. kiwikel

    Occasional Tinnitus Forever, Now Permanent

    Hi, I'm 17 years old and all my life, I have had occasional tinnitus. However, even though I was aware that it was there, my mother had told me that it was normal after a day of being exposed to lots of noise, so I didn't think much of it. Recently, around January, I noticed that the sound had...