Recent content by kmj126

  1. K

    Tinnitus and ETD

    Nasal sprays and making sure they get into the Eustachian tube has worked for me.
  2. K

    I know it’s hard but hang in there ❤️

    I know it’s hard but hang in there ❤️
  3. K

    Tinnitus Caused by a Sneeze — Severe Allergies, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, Sinusitis, TMJ

    Hi. My name is Kristen. I have been dealing with tinnitus since July 2022. It came on due to a sneeze. I have severe allergies, Eustachian tube dysfunction, sinusitis, and TMJ. Since July it has gotten a little bit quieter but it’s still bothersome. Is there hope that it will go away or...
  4. K

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I have somatic tinnitus so I would meet that requirement of Dr. Shore’s device, but what about hearing loss? I know the requirement is to have no more than 50 dB of hearing loss, but at what frequency range? I have normal hearing from 250 Hz to 3000 Hz and mild to moderate high frequency...