Recent content by Kmollls

  1. Kmollls

    Can LDN (Low-Dose Naltrexone) Make Tinnitus Better or Worse?

    Do you know why tinnitus would spike from LDN?
  2. Kmollls

    Diagnosed with Lyme Disease — Artemisinin Caused My Tinnitus and Clogged Sensation in Ears

    My ear concerns weren’t actually from Artemisinin/Lyme in the end.
  3. Kmollls

    Debilitating Health Anxiety — Recently Experienced Temporary Sudden Deafness and Loud Ear Ringing

    Hey! How are you doing now? I’ve gotten these too ever since June of 2020! They’re so scary.
  4. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    How long does your hearing loss last during these episodes? And I do know hormones can cause similar shifts as to what you’re describing, yes, but I haven’t seemed to notice a pattern yet. I’ve never had vertigo or dizziness with these episodes but I have been dizzy before, but I believe it’s...
  5. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    I’m not trying to be anxious about it. As I’m sure you can understand, it’s hard to deal with symptoms that no one can pinpoint. It’s not in my opinion normal fleeting tinnitus, but maybe it is and I’ve just never experienced this type before. Go figure.
  6. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    I’m feeling desperate here so any chance you guys may have any ideas @aura, @makeyourownluck or anyone else? Basically I just get these random attacks of sudden (but quickly resolving) hearing loss and tinnitus (can be brief or last as long 45 minutes, which so far is the longest it’s lasted)...
  7. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    The anxiety is the worst. I’m a shell of a human being because of health anxiety.
  8. Kmollls

    Does Anyone Experience Occasional Muffled Hearing with Tinnitus Spikes?

    Did you ever figure out what causes these random deafness and tinnitus spike episodes? Are you chalking it up to muscular (tensor tympani in particular)?
  9. Kmollls

    Diagnosed with Lyme Disease — Artemisinin Caused My Tinnitus and Clogged Sensation in Ears

    Update: I’ve realized that the herbs and Lyme were unrelated!
  10. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    I have 2 missing otoacoustic emissions from my left ear (8 + 9 kHz); my right ear has them all intact. Audiogram/tympanogram all normal. I also get these random bouts of long-ish fleeting tinnitus in my left ear that are extremely disconcerting (can last up to 45 minutes which is really scary...
  11. Kmollls

    Diagnosed with Lyme Disease — Artemisinin Caused My Tinnitus and Clogged Sensation in Ears

    I have 2 missing otoacoustic emissions from my left ear (8 + 9 kHz); my right ear has them all intact. Audiogram/tympanogram all normal. I also get these random bouts of long-ish fleeting tinnitus in my left ear that are extremely disconcerting (can last up to 45 minutes which is really scary...
  12. Kmollls

    Sudden Pressure and the VERY Loud Ring — Seen 3 ENTs! Any Information/Advice?

    Did you ever figure out what this was?
  13. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    Oh okay. Apparently it causes fluttering in the ears and I get that sometimes.
  14. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    Thanks for your response :) Do you ever have fluttering in your ears? It’s called TTTS and I think I have it. I’m wondering if that’s what causes these longer episodes.
  15. Kmollls

    Concerned About Unusually Long (Up to 45 Minutes) Fleeting Tinnitus Episodes

    You’re now the third person to have suggested that, but I’ve never heard of it before. Is there a name for that phenomenon? Also, how long did it take for it to subside for you?