1986 is when I first noticed this continuous ringing that didn't recede. I heard it as I was studying. I don't know if it existed previously, but I noticed it then and, as usual, expected it to be gone the next morning. It was still there, and has been, since.
As a young musician (drums and electric guitar), DJ, concert goer, motorcycle rider (exhaust pipes *and* wind-noise), aircraft mechanic, shooter, pseudo-ephedrine user (chronic allergies - until I cleansed
), torn ear-drum (four sutures), and maybe even hereditary tinnitus hearer - for lack of better terminology - I had experienced the ringing before, but it always went away.
I've been riding motorcycles since ~1968 and recently thought that the pitch of the wind-noise may be the same as my tinnitus(?).
I've learned that my physical condition - rest, food, activity - does indeed affect my condition. What I don't know is whether the condition gets worse because I'm not taking care of myself, or if the condition doesn't change but my sensitivity to it increases. I have noticed that when I am physically (and psychologically (?) ) over-stressed the ringing couples with random drumming. Bless those who go through that ...
There have been times where the ringing changes to a lower frequency then goes away, completely for a few seconds. Silence. What the heck, right?
I do have a nerve-loss as well, and occasionally wear hearing aids to make out what people are saying. Back-ground noise is a major issue. Strangely enough I can hear a pin drop on the other side of the house ... when it's quiet.
Thanks for taking the time to read this; may you find a way to deal with this and find comfort.
I'm glad to know that this place exists and thank you!