Recent content by Laura_mc_girl

  1. L

    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Tvan, I posted previously on this forum about the Pfizer vaccine and tinnitus. I am also on a few tinnitus groups on Facebook and there has been extensive discussion on this topic on all the forums. I had a bad case of tinnitus in July last year and my tinnitus started a couple of months...
  2. L

    Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    I have COVID-19 induced tinnitus. It started after I had COVID-19 last July. I got the Pfizer vaccine two weeks ago and my tinnitus got noticeably worse within hours of the shot. It went from being intermittent to 24/7 and much louder. It has not gotten better up to this point. I have...
  3. L

    Link Between COVID-19, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Vertigo

    This post is for those who have COVID-19 related tinnitus and/or those who have tinnitus related to the COVID-19 vaccine. My daughter works for Dr. David Agus, who is a well-known doctor and author and an authority on COVID-19. He often appears on news programs as a COVID-19 medical consultant...
  4. L

    Link Between COVID-19, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Vertigo

    Great article Keith! Thanks for posting. I am one who ended up with tinnitus a few weeks after having a bad case of COVID-19 last July. I can hope and pray it isn't permanent.
  5. L

    COVID-19 Gave Me Tinnitus, and Now the Pfizer Vaccine Made It Even Worse?

    @Ed209, I was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early July 2020 and the tinnitus started 3 months later. I didn't take the vaccine until 9 days ago so to me, I'm not seeing that as being "very close together". It's been over 8 months since I had COVID-19 and 5 months since the tinnitus started. It's...
  6. L

    COVID-19 Gave Me Tinnitus, and Now the Pfizer Vaccine Made It Even Worse?

    I had a bad case of COVID-19 last July and the tinnitus started in early October. I've been reading recently that having COVID-19 could be a cause of both tinnitus and/or severe hearing loss. I already have hearing loss and wear hearing aids, but it didn't get worse after COVID-19. I've read...