Recent content by LaurieR

  1. LaurieR

    Tinnitus Changing From Tone to Hiss

    Aaron123, I am in week 2 of Widex Zen Therapy. Nothing has changed. Though the audiologist thought that the change in the first week from a ringing to a hissing was a positive thing. Not sure if I am habituting or whatnot. In the Zen therapy, I have three programs and one is for relaxation and...
  2. LaurieR

    Tinnitus Changing From Tone to Hiss

    I have been doing a Widex Zen tonal fractal therapy for a week now and my pulsating, cricket like, high pitch T went to a hissing sound. I work in a auto factory and while I am not required to wear ear plugs, I always have them in. Now with these tinnitus hearing aids, I wear over the ear muffs...
  3. LaurieR

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Only at Certain Angles

    I have the PT but I have not been pregnant. I work a very physical job. I think that it is a pressure thing. But I notice it later in my day while I am work. Do you or have you considered masking the noise? I notice this pulsating t while doing yoga and there is a part of me that thinks that my...
  4. LaurieR

    From Steady to Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Please let us know how your MRI goes. I have the same pulsating T and this is after having a low level of t all my life. Saw an ENT and said everything is normal except a high frequency hearing loss at a low level. He gave me a name to a psychologist but she never called me back. I do a lot of...
  5. LaurieR

    My Success Story — I Am New Here

    I think too what works for one is ok to inform others. The problem with science is that they always want a direct correlation 1:1 and that rarely happens. So, the experts say this doesn't work, it's the mind taken over to tell us it is working, whatever that may be. Brains and individuals are so...