Recent content by Liam92

  1. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    Hey, it did. But sometimes it does come back, honestly my tinnitus seems to change a lot. Tones often change I get new ones and maybe some disappear too. All very strange. I don't think my anxiety helps though...
  2. Liam92

    Custom Earplugs (ACS, Elacin, Etymotic, Westone, etc.)

    Keep me updated. It would be interesting to see a comparison between them to see if there was an actual difference. I've attached some more pictures to compare. Note the very narrow tubing inside, I wonder if the Pro26's are the same?
  3. Liam92

    Custom Earplugs (ACS, Elacin, Etymotic, Westone, etc.)

    I'm sure the Pro27 filters should only be used with the Pro27 moulds. As far as I know, the actual Pro27 mould has a very narrow tubing inside compared to the rest of the Pro range. All the filters can still be swapped around but the actual Pro27 mould has its own dimensions. That's why I was...
  4. Liam92

    Custom Earplugs (ACS, Elacin, Etymotic, Westone, etc.)

    Hey @kingsfan, I recently got some ACS Pro 27's which seems to be the strongest in their range. I was wondering if you could show me a picture of your set with the tube hole (the little hole nearest your eardrum when inserted)? I heard the ACS Pro 27's is very narrow compared to the rest of the...
  5. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    The sort of beeping morse code is still there at times, which seems to react with things like the water filling back up inside the cistern of the toilet. My reaction towards it has improved I just try to get on with things
  6. Liam92

    Strange Hearing Distortion/Dysacusis?

    Sorry to revive an old thread, but I have exactly this! It's so hard to explain but it seems that a lot of people eventually just get used to it or it goes, either or you notice it less. I have had tinnitus for almost 6 years but this distortion/morse code thing just came on last week...
  7. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    Thanks for your reply. I'm trying my hardest to just keep calm and go about my life. I really appreciate your comments and I'll take them onboard. Hoping mine just dies off soon or I just adapt the way I did from my initial tinnitus.
  8. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    I feel like mine can even interfere with the TV. I get a sort of strange metallic tapping noise from the sounds from the TV. Not all the time but it can happen. It's so strange :( So does yours come and go @GBB, @Bar? Thanks guys.
  9. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    Hey! It's barely audible in a quiet room for me too at times, mostly in mornings. But sometimes it seems to go with the sound around me and can increase or decrease. I feel like I'm very sensitive to high pitched or high frequency sounds right now but I don't know if that's because my anxiety is...
  10. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    Hey, thanks for your reply. Do you cope with it ok? Has it changed or improved with time? It's really made me very anxious and even kinda set me back with my plain old "eeeeee" tinnitus. Just got me checking for sounds and everything constantly. Thanks again.
  11. Liam92

    Reactive Morse Code / Typewriter Tinnitus

    Hey everyone, Long time member on here. The past couple of days I have had a new symptom on top of my normal "eeeeee" tinnitus. Recently I have been getting a sort of beep-beep-beeeeeeep-beep, almost like morse code beeping. It also seems to react to noise; it will beep from certain noises like...
  12. Liam92

    Possible TTTS or Something to Do with ETD? Strange Thump Sound, Almost Like a Spasm

    Hey everyone. I've been a member here a long time. I got tinnitus in both ears way back many years ago, low rumble sound in left ear and high pitch in the right ear. It causes me no problems anymore. I really got so used to it that my brain literally filters it out if I don't think about it...
  13. Liam92

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    Hi everyone, I hope you're all well. It's been a long while since I logged in to these forums. I got my tinnitus from Noise Exposure around 4/5 years ago now, jeez those were hard times but I can assure anyone who is reading this it does get easier and you eventually learn to just "zone out"...
  14. Liam92


    Sweet, looks awesome man!
  15. Liam92

    PC Hardware

    Anyone else into building PC's and Laptops etc? I've built my last 2/3 PC Rigs just wondering if anyone else had a similar interest :)