Recent content by LibertyToad

  1. L

    Sleep Quality Problem

    Have you tried masking the sound with a large box fan? That has been a big help for me. I've had T since around 2005. In 2016, it got much much worse. There are noise machines that you can purchase on Amazon that help. Sleep is the most difficult time for me. Having background noise...
  2. L

    Sleeping Pill? NOT Melatonin or Magnesium

    I second the amitriptyline. Good stuff, works well and keeps you asleep.
  3. L

    First Visit to the ENT/Audiologist, Interesting Temporary Relief

    In my case ear wax build-up makes my T "louder". I see my ENT every 6-9 months to have the ear wax removed. The trick is learning to ignore it which can take many months. I've found that if I don't get plenty of sleep I perceive it as being worse (in reality it's probably the same level). On...
  4. L

    Should My First Visit Be to ENT or AUD?

    I'd see an ENT. They may recommend seeing an Audiologist if you are diagnosed with T. An Audiologist can determine the frequency of the T and how to mask it. I've had it for years. I got used to it, but it took months. 11 years later (last December) I woke up one morning and it was much...
  5. L

    How Do Folk Manage Their Anxiety?

    I have a sound machine that helps somewhat and I've been taking an anti-anxiety drug for a couple of months until I get used to the T. I've had T for years, learned to tolerate it, but suddenly last December I woke up and it was much, much worse. I'm finally getting used to it again
  6. L

    New to Tinnitus and This Forum

    I've had T for years now. I woke up one morning and there it was. Last December I work up and it had suddenly become much worse. Over the years I had gotten used to it and seldom noticed it but now I'm back to learning to cope with it again. There are a number of strategies what will help...