Recent content by LiquidDrummer

  1. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Thanks for your reply! How would I test for something like this? Thankfully my tinnitus is so minimal at this point I barely notice it. It's really only noticeable in extremely low volumes such as control rooms in studios and lying in bed just before sleeping. If I can keep it at this level...
  2. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    My custom IEM's from JH audio are in the mail! I've been using the universal Westone Pro 20's for the past two years with the foam plugs that are apparently rated at 26db attenuation. I know the foam isn't perfect though and the custom molds are the way to go, I was just limited by funds but...
  3. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    You're probably right! I may be misremembering, I'm still pretty nooby with this stuff
  4. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Hi Michael! Thanks for your opinions here. I appreciate your advice and want to speak to a couple of your points. First of all, I might've been a little harsh on the ENT, I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but I was unhappy with the way I was rushed through my appointment and the way he...
  5. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Thanks for the response! I'm really hoping that the T goes away given that I haven't had it for very long, and it's already started to reduce in volume/perceived intensity. My plan to protect myself is to move from universal in-ear monitors to molded ones, as well as start using a stereo...
  6. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Thanks! I figured the notch was due to the fact that since the T was sitting in that range it was obscuring the tones I was being tested with, therefore registering as an inability to hear that frequency very well. Keep in mind, even with the notch I'm well within normal hearing range and the...
  7. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Thank you so much for affirming this. I think my stress and anxiety is playing a major roll in this and may be the overall cause. I've been suffering from daily panic attacks since January and the stresses of getting an independent band off the ground has made it incredibly difficult to make...
  8. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Just had it yesterday and will be booking a follow up with my ENT this week. It was a test involving nerve responsiveness I think. They had electrodes on my face and had clicking sounds playing in my ears. I'm not sure the exact name of the test, probably should've asked for that haha. I was...
  9. LiquidDrummer

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    Hi there, First of all I’d like to say thank you to everyone on this forum for the supportive and insightful discussions that take place here. Discovering this website at the onset of my tinnitus really helped me stay afloat. I’m a 26 year old professional musician. I play the drums and...