Recent content by Lisha

  1. L

    Hi lola808 how did u get your tinnitus? I got my from shooting and I have high frequency hearing...

    Hi lola808 how did u get your tinnitus? I got my from shooting and I have high frequency hearing loss as well 6000-8000-hz. I am going on my 3rd week.
  2. L

    Starting My Tinnitus Recovery Journey After a Gunshot

    hey Chris just wanted to say I'm praying for you as well as everyone one here w/ t. I am going on 3 weeks this coming Sat. From shooting guns without ear protection as well. I have a hearing loss at 6k-8k hz. I have had a few ok days bit today has really worked me up. I feel like wen i wake up...
  3. L

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    There were four of us shooting without ear protection. I shot a 380 2-3 times whole clip and a ar 20 clip and a revolver 5 bullets. My ears did not hurt no pain.
  4. L

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    Would you say noise induced like shooting guns outside without ear protection for 30mins. My will fade?