Recent content by Logan

  1. Logan

    Problems with Nasal Spray Flonase

    Any updates on this? Was there any improvement? I’ve been taking Flonase for a couple weeks and noticed a big improvement but then it started getting worse again and I’m worried it’s caused permanent damage. My ears are much higher pitch and louder. I’m going crazy and can’t sleep well anymore.
  2. Logan

    hi, hope you are doing well. i believe i may be having a spike due to amoxicillin but not...

    hi, hope you are doing well. i believe i may be having a spike due to amoxicillin but not completely sure. did your spike ever settle down after the meds or no?
  3. Logan

    Fluid Behind Eardrums Caused a Tinnitus Spike? Should I Continue Taking Amoxicillin?

    So I’ve had tinnitus for 9 years most likely caused by an ear infection and the last few years it had improved a lot and was manageable. About 10 days ago I noticed a spike out of nowhere. I waited a few days and went to the doctor in case of an ear infection. The doctor said there was fluid...
  4. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    Yeah it seems like you have the same problem as me. I've had tinnitus for almost 3 years now and it was much better and not as noticeable but then I got really sick and congested in December which increased the volume. I've gotten colds before with T and most of the time it increases the volume...
  5. Logan

    Is Sudafed Safe to Take? Will It Trigger Tinnitus? Make It Worse? Is It Toxic to the Ears?

    So I've been having a spike for like a month and a half and it started when I got sick and really congested. I went to a walk in clinic about a month ago to see if I had any problems with my ears and she said I have fluid in my ears and that it looked infected. I've been taking a nasal spray...
  6. Logan

    How Long Do Spikes Usually Last?

    When did your spike start? Since your sick I'm sure that's the cause of it. Seems to be what's caused my current spike. If you're congested at all then that usually makes it worse and can cause fluid to get stuck in your ear and make your tinnitus worse.
  7. Logan

    How Long Do Spikes Usually Last?

    Well my current spike has been going on for about a month and a half now. I think it's since I got sick and really congested so I have fluid in my ears. But spikes can last anywhere from a few days to a few months so there's no way to really know how long yours will be. But if you've been sick...
  8. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    So I went to the ENT yesterday and she said I have some fluid in my ears which could be causing the spike but it doesn't look infected. She told me to continue taking the nasal spray I've been using and to take a decongestant to help. She also said it could take up to 3 months for the fluid to...
  9. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    No I haven't been back to the doctor unfortunately. I don't think it would help much anyway because every time I've gone to a normal doctor for my ears they never seem to help much. I did manage to get an appointment for the ENT this Thursday though so hopefully they'll be able to prescribe me...
  10. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    Yea my tinnitus was caused by allergies and an ear infection I got a few years ago, but I never had an itchy feeling in my ears until last month when my infection started. I'm assuming it's caused by the fluid in my ears, maybe you have some in your ears too? If your ears start bothering you...
  11. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    Yea the inside of my ears feel itchy pretty often too. My spike started around the beginning of December I think. I'm scheduling to see an ENT sometime soon (hopefully this week) and hopefully I can get this infection cleared up. I'm hoping your ears get better too.
  12. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    I have some pain in my ears off and on but not very often, my ears also feel full/clogged sometimes. When did your spike start?
  13. Logan

    Does Masking Tinnitus Make It Worse?

    I've had a gas heater on lately with the cold weather here and it seems to help mask my tinnitus pretty good. It has a low humming sound, do you think this could possibly make T worse? I've had a spike recently and I just wanna make sure it isn't from this, I doubt it is but you never know. But...
  14. Logan

    Ear Infection?

    Did your ear infection eventually clear up? My spike is still pretty bad, it keeps changing. Every time it starts to go back to baseline it spikes again. My ears have felt full off and on so I think I still have fluid in my ears. I'm planning on seeing an ENT sometime soon so hopefully they'll...
  15. Logan

    Tinnitus Is All Over the Place

    So I've been recently getting over being pretty sick, I was really congested and had an ear infection. Since I started getting sick two or three weeks ago my tinnitus has increased and every time it starts getting better it gets worse again. The pitch keeps randomly changing too. I've been using...