Recent content by LoganV

  1. LoganV

    Oversleeping Improves My Constant Noise Induced Tinnitus

    Hey @Bobby B. I know your original post is from a while ago at this point but my tinnitus acts very similar to yours. Some days I wake up with it & others I don’t. If I have the day off and wake up with tinnitus I can usually sleep a few more hours and wake up without it. Have you gotten any...
  2. LoganV

    Could My Tinnitus Have Affected My Hearing Test?

    I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible. Finally went to an ENT doctor about my tinnitus. She checked me out and said everything looked fine (no damage to ear drums etc). I then saw an audiologist directly after to have a hearing test done and was told I have high frequency hearing loss...
  3. LoganV

    Tinnitus Caused by Wearing Face Mask?

    @linearb thanks for the reply. I was thinking more about the tightness of the mask having an effect on the ears. After dealing with it for some time now, and it starting to subside a bit, I’m assuming it has a lot to do with stress.
  4. LoganV

    Seemingly Random On/Off Tinnitus: I Can Go a Week without Having Tinnitus

    Mine has pretty much remained at a constant low-ish volume (still hard to mask) but it doesn’t fluctuate much throughout the day and if it does, the change is very minute.
  5. LoganV

    Seemingly Random On/Off Tinnitus: I Can Go a Week without Having Tinnitus

    Hey all, just wondering if anyone has any experience with tinnitus that seems to come and go randomly. My tinnitus started earlier this year around June and was constant (every day) for about 2-3 months I think. It then seemed to shift into on again off again and that’s when I started a log of...
  6. LoganV

    Tinnitus Caused by Wearing Face Mask?

    Thanks for your responses! I think being under the stress of going back to work probably had a lot to do with with. Will be going to the doctor to have it checked out. Meanwhile, just making small adjustments to diet, cutting out caffeine etc.
  7. LoganV

    Tinnitus Caused by Wearing Face Mask?

    Hey, I’m new here. This may be a weird/hard to answer question. I first noticed my tinnitus about 3-4 weeks ago and have been trying to pinpoint the cause. It came on suddenly and seemed to happen only about a week and a half after I started wearing a face mask regularly upon returning to work...