Recent content by loudandhigh

  1. loudandhigh

    Sudden Unilateral Tinnitus Onset with No Hearing Loss

    Thanks for the advice! I'm getting an MRI after a wait under the ENT's orders and I'm a little scared for that, but in the meantime I will try to follow what you wrote! By the sound of tinnitus, it is a ringing, like a constant EEEEEE noise, right?
  2. loudandhigh

    Sudden Unilateral Tinnitus Onset with No Hearing Loss

    Yeah I can, when I clench my jaw, it makes a really loud sound at the pitch of the ringing, but I'm not sure if it's the same feeling. Can tinnitus go away if the physical issue is fixed? Although, I will also mention that I have been feeling congested as well.
  3. loudandhigh

    Sudden Unilateral Tinnitus Onset with No Hearing Loss

    Hi all! Thanks for reading in advance! I wanted to introduce myself and seek some advice. I have had tinnitus in my left ear for a while now and it seemed to have come on with no hearing loss. I can only hear it in one ear for the most part (sometimes it can show up in the other ear but this is...
  4. loudandhigh

    Hi, was wondering how you're doing as I'm in a similar scenario at similar age

    Hi, was wondering how you're doing as I'm in a similar scenario at similar age