Recent content by madsci

  1. madsci

    My Tinnitus Is Back Because of Antibiotics

    I had 3 teeth pulled a few months ago, and I was put on a Z pack for a week to control the antibiotic growth. I noticed the same thing for my T. Very Very loud after taking the pill. After I was off the Z pack, my levels returned to where the were before. Antibiotics are just a drug like...
  2. madsci

    To Reduce the Level of Sound with Earplugs

    The 3M classic ear plugs are very nice, with a Great fit. These were given to me when I went for my first T doctors appt with my hearing test. I wear the older 33 db ones at night and on planes (vacuums too) - the material is a bit harder than most ear plugs. Sometimes hard to find in...
  3. madsci


    That was incredibly inspirational. I don't know how to make a tearing up emoticon, but yeah. I'll be reading these words and coming back to this general thread often. Thanks for the welcome!
  4. madsci


    @James Thanks for the words of encouragement. I do computational work, so some earphones, with not-too-loud music, helps to drown much of the T while I work. I've now moved to a much-more quiet work area, as some of the noise would make it worse, even over music. I'm sleeping better once I...
  5. madsci


    Thank you for the welcome, it is good to know that I am not alone, that there is hope, and that life can be enjoyable even with it. Thank you so much. I will research those drugs to see where they hit and how - perhaps one can be useful. I hope at least one of them is not a small molecule...
  6. madsci

    What Was Your Life Like a Few Weeks Before Your Tinnitus Started and a Few Weeks After?

    Heaven, hell, hope, and then the end of hope., which is slowly coming back... I want the hope back, the smiles, the normal ups and downs of life back. I want to be the person I was before the T. Just need to keep pushing on I guess.
  7. madsci

    Trying to Remember What It Was Like Before Tinnitus

    I've had it worse after long (even short) car journeys, and I too run away when someone else is vacuuming. I wear earplugs at night from all the general noises. One thing you could try is to carry around cotton. The cotton can significantly help the T from cars/air conditioners/etc. when I...
  8. madsci


    Hi all, I've been suffering from T for about a year now. Every day feels like a battle that I don't want to fight anymore. I've been on several treatments from my T/Migraine doctor, and none of them seem to work. The only thing that seems to relieve it for some time is alcohol, which comes...