Recent content by Majbritt

  1. M

    Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

    Thanks :) I will call my doctor tomorrow. It's a new doctor and he will stop in two weeks, so he doesn't know much about my history. I will ask for flouexetine back. I was on it for a couple of years and only had few side effects, no tinnitus for sure. I originally asked for it, but he wanted...
  2. M

    Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

    According to the medical company tinnitus is among the side effects with 1-10 % risk. I also read 2 % other places. I don't think I can do without the medicine, especially not if the tinnitus continues. Being depressed is one thing, being depressed with tinnitus is worse and it really effects...
  3. M

    Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

    It could be something else of course, but I haven't really changed anything. I haven't been exposed to any high sounds and haven't had any colds lately. My doctor checked the pressure in my ears and it was fine. If it comes from some ear problem, shouldn't I have other symptoms?
  4. M

    Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

    Hi everyone. I'm a 37 year old woman who usually doesn't have problems with tinnitus. Sure I could hear some ringing once in a while and if I had been to a concert I could hear a sound for a short time, but it always went away. In the beginning of August I started on Sertraline as I was...