Recent content by mamakat

  1. mamakat

    Finger Drumming Technique / Reddit Cure

    I love Oingo Boingo! :) I am going to try the finger drumming. I'll let you know if it helps. Thanks Peacemaker.
  2. mamakat

    Can CROS Aid Help with Tinnitus?

    Thank you Lorac. :)
  3. mamakat

    Can CROS Aid Help with Tinnitus?

    Dear Lorac, Thank you for your response! I am thrilled to find someone with a similar situation. Yes, my tinnitus is on the deaf side. So possibly I will experience the same outcome. You opted not to use the CROS aid and were able to be refunded? I hope that is the same for me if this doesn't...
  4. mamakat

    Can CROS Aid Help with Tinnitus?

    Thank you all for your input. I'm still on the fence about trying CROS aids. But I'm desperate to lower the intensity of this sound in my head. I will check today with the audiologist about a trial period. I might just try it if I can return them if they do not help. In the meantime I need to...
  5. mamakat

    Can CROS Aid Help with Tinnitus?

    Hello. I am new to this forum. In fact, I'm new to the community of tinnitus sufferers. 5 months ago I was in a horrible auto accident that, along with many other injuries, left me deaf in one ear. Auditory nerve is permanently damaged. I found this manageable as I was also dealing with TBI...