Recent content by Marc22

  1. M

    Dealing with People Who Don't Care About Your Hyperacusis

    Hi. I have been living in an apartment building for just over 3 years. It's relatively quiet most of the time around here, but there are lawnmowers going around and other work on the building regularly. Ordinary, necessary stuff like that. Once in a while, I ask the 2 janitors (a couple) how...
  2. M

    Poll: Do You Have Hyperacusis without Tinnitus?

    To be more precise, I have little to no tinnitus. After my noise trauma, I started with worrisome tinnitus, then the hyperacusis appeared 2 months later. Since then, 24 years, I have never been really bothered by tinnitus luckily! Marco
  3. M

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal — SEVERE Hyperacusis

    Hi Benzomom: Sorry to hear you are still sufferring. Ear wise I am doing pretty good, and I just moved out of an apartment I was sharing with a psycho. Immensely relieved!! All of you with stable and healthy friends and families, count your blessings! Because I ain't got any support... Marco
  4. M

    Completely Recovered from My Hyperacusis and Chronic Ear Pain

    It is nice to know that a small minority of people with hyperacusis can fully recover like yonkapin has. But that is rare. So any of you that are new to hyperacusis, you can improve but you will probably never recover fully. I have had it for 24 years and expect to die this way. There was a...
  5. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    OK Lionel, please be very careful. This hyperacusis is serious business. Marco
  6. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    BENZOMOM: Let me clarify my suggestion for benzo use for hyperacusis. I only used them when I was in a bad setback, to get a bit of relief. But during the time of the setback, I would use them almost everyday. Then when the setback would go naturally away, which sometimes took months, I would...
  7. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Here is what Dan Malcore of the Hyperacusis Network has to say about the possible degrees of recovery for those with hyperacusis. He has more than 25 years experience dealing with hundreds of people with hyperacusis: "I think the retraining TRT is the best thing we have right now. It is a...
  8. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Benzomom: I have to disagree with your recommendation not to tell people that perhaps taking benzos once in a while might alleviate their h. for a few hours.You say that most people get addicted after a while. The person who moderates BenzoBuddies told me that MOST do NOT get addicted, and she...
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    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Lionel: Wow I didn't know I was talking to someone in Ireland. BTW I am in Canada. My roomate is Irish . Like my Italian ancestors, his came here a long time ago. Boy, if there is one thing I miss is listening to traditional Irish music. All good music in fact. When I had a better case 10-15...
  10. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Lionel: There are some that have recovered from far worse than what you are experiencing. Please hang in there. See the "Success Stories" on the Hyperacusis Network website. I have also spent months with severe hyperacusis and I always recovered to a tolerable level, as most do. I know that...
  11. M

    Those with Hyperacusis and Tinnitus, Please I Need Insight

    Bill Bauer: For most people hyperacusis does NOT go away after 6 to 12 months. It normally improves but rare is the person who is cured of hyperacusis completely. I think I would know after having hyperacusis for 24 years and reading hundreds of other people's stories. Marco
  12. M

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Hi Lionel: I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I've had hyperacusis for quite a long time, and I never experienced anything like what happened to you in the first months that I came down with hyperacusis, and never afterwards. A slam like that would only maybe make me worse for a few...
  13. M

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal — SEVERE Hyperacusis

    OK, BenzoMom, good luck to you. Thanks for being the one who let me know more clearly about the dangers of benzos. Marco
  14. M

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal — SEVERE Hyperacusis

    Hi Benzomom: I think you read what I told you about BenzoBuddies wrong. The people at BenzoBuddies did NOT encourage to continue taking this clonazepam. The admin merely stated that most people have no trouble. But the admin and a few others, and you, did warn me that nothing has happenned to...