Marianne F

I'm new to this forum. I've had tinnitus for over a year now. It presents itself in my right ear and on occasions the noise is off the scale! Originally the noise was just a clicking sound. There is no hearing loss. I've had scans to make sure there's nothing sinister going on but when the screeching started to develop I felt very concerned. I can only describe the noise as somebody dragging a metal implement against glass next to my eardrum. There are also many Crickets applauding the whole scene at the same time. At its worst it lasts for about 30 seconds every minute and can go on for four hours or more a couple of times a day and night. I also feel very giddy when it's in full swing. Sometimes I can go a couple of months with just mild symptoms but then it comes back with vengeance. I think stress is the most contributing factor but noise exacerbates it too.

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Malmesbury, Wiltshire. UK
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus



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