Recent content by Marianne F

  1. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    Good Morning Donna. It’s good that you’re still managing to gradually take control of your tinnitus. Like you, I’ve resigned myself to it and under your recommendation, I also take magnesium regularly. I also agree with your thoughts about 2020. A bit of a mixed bag there, but overall it’s...
  2. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    Hello again... I can see that @DoggoneT experienced this, but I just wanted to ask did any of my fellow shaky vision, one sided screeching tinnitus with no obvious hearing loss sufferers, undergo Chiropractic treatment for cervical spine problems prior to the onset of tinnitus? I ask because...
  3. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    Hello Donna, In case you can’t find the AdrianFox posting he was referring to something called Sternocleidomastoid trigger point massage. I’m sitting on the fence again about the way forward. Sometimes it all seems so obvious and then I have my doubts. I’m taking the Magnesium though so...
  4. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    Hi SillyMama, how is it all going? I’ve only just noticed that AdrianFox has posted a success story and being as we all have/had the very same symptoms maybe there’s hope for us yet. Have you looked at the link he suggested re the neck manipulation? I’ll certainly give it a try. I’ve talked with...
  5. Marianne F

    Tinnitus for Three Weeks — Looking for Support

    Hi AdrianFox. I’ve only just come across your post and was just about to respond when I realised you’re no longer in need of any ‘advice’. Fantastic! I’ll certainly now follow your advice. I was going to tell you my story which mirrors yours to a tee. Unfortunately I’m now into year four. I’m...
  6. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    I too have heard some horror stories so have now settled for delightful massage treatment instead☺️...
  7. Marianne F

    Tinnitus with Shaky, Jerky Vision (and Possible Improvement with Alexander Technique)

    Hello SillyMama... Just by learning that there are others experiencing the same type of Tinnitus as myself, helps enormously. Here in the U.K. I’ve been made to feel that I’m almost unique;). Lonely or what? Are you still practising the Alexander Technique? I have a practitioner who lives near...
  8. Marianne F

    Please Tell Me I'm Not Alone — My Tinnitus Is Incredibly Loud

    Hello @Russb You’re certainly not alone. I too have T in my right ear. Weirdly my hearing in that ear is perfect whereas the left ear’s hearing is deteriorating. No rhyme nor reason really. For you, I’m hoping by now you’ve been fitted with a hearing aid as I’m sure this would help. I’ve had...
  9. Marianne F

    Intermittent Tinnitus

    Hi again....I’ve just checked out your latest post and diagnosis. I think it’s well worth a heart check up so I’ll go and see my GP. I’m so pleased you found the culprit and wish you all the very best :-))))
  10. Marianne F

    Not Normal Tinnitus?

    Hello Mad Maggot...I’m not sure when your last post was but just wondering how you’re doing now. How did it go with the T specialist? The symptoms you described back in 2015 sound very much like mine. It’s a relief to at last hear somebody explain that their T is not a constant hiss or a...
  11. Marianne F

    Good to Share This 'Lonely' Condition...

    Thank you for your reply. Which sort of ear plugs do you use? Also, do you have a hearing aid that helps suppress the noise? I'm not quite sure how that works being as my hearing is OK, but it's something the doctor mentioned.
  12. Marianne F

    Good to Share This 'Lonely' Condition...

    Hello I've finally decided to join this forum as I think there's only so much the people closest to us can take! It's like most things, unless you experience what life has decided to throw at you, how can you be expected to understand. Everyone's experience of Tinnitus is probably different...