Recent content by martap

  1. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    Unfortunately, there’s been no improvement for me 😞. However, I’ve kind of made peace with my situation, so it’s easier now, and I visit the forum less frequently. My MRI didn’t reveal anything, although I think they were only checking for tumors 🤷‍♀️. I feel like my ENT has given up; he just...
  2. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    I forgot to give an update. I tried Carbamazepine, but it didn't help :( and I got an allergy reaction to it once the dose was increased, so I had to stop taking it after around 2 weeks.
  3. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    Small update. I've seen my ENT today and he prescribed me Carbamazepine for 4 weeks. I will give an update if that helps.
  4. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    @blamingeverything, I am doing fine, but no changes to my tinnitus so far. I think maybe "morse code" describes better the sound that I am hearing. Someone posted this video a while ago: It is very similar to the tinnitus in my left ear. The one in my right ear is similar too, but the tone is...
  5. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    Thank you everyone for replies! @GregCA, it was Pure Tone Audiometry. @Mumbo, sorry to hear you have it too. If you find out a cause or anything that helps you with it, please let me know. @Michael Leigh, thank you for sharing these resources, I will check them out. I don't think my tinnitus...
  6. martap

    31-Year-Old with Mystery Morse Code/Typewriter Tinnitus for ~1 Year

    I was hoping I would be the lucky one that doesn’t have to introduce herself here, but here I am. One day in the beginning of April 2021 I started hearing noises in my right ear. It was (and still is) a weird sound, a morse code type of sound like I was receiving a message from aliens. After a...