Recent content by Maruashen

  1. Maruashen

    Slap-Induced Tinnitus

    Hello Steve! I got my tinnitus in my left ear because of a slap/punch aswell, I was unlucky and crossed ways with an drug addict and he though I was someone else and slapped me on my left side. The ringing started directly and my ear felt all clogged up, almost like when you get water in your...
  2. Maruashen

    Loud Events — What Kind Do You Attend?

    I've been to concerts, movies, restaurants and all of that since my tinnitus. I don't want to isolate my life because of the T. I usually just measure the decibel and the use the right earplugs for the environment. I even played in a band and rehearsed after I had my T one year ago. Altho I did...
  3. Maruashen

    Never Thought I'd Find Myself Here, But Hello!

    It might sound crazy when I say this but the only way to recover is to let it go and accept it. I got a similar damage about 11 months ago and I freaked out and though my life was ruined. I couldn't figure out how I could live with the tinnitus. First 3 months was the worst, I tried to look...
  4. Maruashen

    I Ruined My Recovery :(

    In my optinion I think you should overprotect your ear abit for a while, not always tho.. But thats just my opinon, I'm no doctor :p
  5. Maruashen

    Dropped a Metal Shower Head

    @Jiri Ive had too many similar experiences. You get all frustrated and anxiety usually comes back, but 95% of the time those noises won't hurt. Even tho it usually feels like the tinnitus is increased. Ive had tinnitus för 3 years now and I bet there have been a few of these situations each...
  6. Maruashen

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    Hej Jonas @Instant_exit I'm also from Sweden, and got an acoustic trauma a few weeks ago. I live in Gothenburg so I've visited sahlgrenska university hospital twice and some small special clinics. I've been to a total of.. 6 doctors I believe by now.. 4 ENT doctors, and 2 "normal" doctors. And...
  7. Maruashen

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    If hearing loss could be cured a lot tinnitus/hearing loss sufferers would get alot milder tinnitus symptoms. @Mortzcent did you never experience any tinnitus after your loud noise exposure that caused your hearing loss?
  8. Maruashen

    How to Be with Someone Having Tinnitus?

    This is booth a tricky question but at the same time a very simple one. I got my "first" real tinnitus back in november 2014 due to loud music at a Christmas event with my work. I went to the ENT crying for help and they couldn't do anything, well I got a hearing test and it showed "normal...
  9. Maruashen

    Audiogram and Other Hearing Test Results

    Hello @Alvise , Did it just happen over night? How long ago?
  10. Maruashen

    New Here (3 Weeks In)

    @dpdx Hi, Did you notice any sympthons on your eustachian tube inflammation yourself? Did you get any medication for this or did he tell you that it would self heal? I hope you feel better soon. /Martin
  11. Maruashen

    My Tinnitus Story (Success Story and How It Got Worse After Hearing Loss)

    @Jazzer @Bill Bauer I dont think its that simple. Yes i live in Europe, in fact Sweden to be precise (Sahlgrenska university hospital). I've been to a total of 4 ENT doctors and none have even mentioned to prescribe prednisone. First of i dont think there is much evidence that that prednisone...
  12. Maruashen

    My Tinnitus Story (Success Story and How It Got Worse After Hearing Loss)

    @Jazzer Okey, well same as me then, usually a noise induced hearing loss first damages the higher freq due to their placement in the cochlea. Okey, well im glad you still enjoy music then. I guess thats one of the fears am having. /Martin
  13. Maruashen

    My Tinnitus Story (Success Story and How It Got Worse After Hearing Loss)

    @Jazzer - Hello, Thanks for posting and telling your story. I'm trying so hard to accept the situation that attacks and incidents can happen, but I guess and have learnt now that it is just a part of the life. Things happen and sometimes you cannot prevent them for happening either. I couldn't...
  14. Maruashen

    My Tinnitus Story (Success Story and How It Got Worse After Hearing Loss)

    @Kolisar Thanks for your reply :) Yeah, I'm crossing my fingers that I could come to that point someday where I could say "Tinnitus is still there but its okey and I can live a good life with it) and the same with the one sided hearing loss. Have tinnitus always been an issue for you or did...
  15. Maruashen

    Hi I'm New Here, Had Tinnitus for 4 Years, Recently It Got Worse. I Can't Live with This Any More.

    Hey @Gustav , Your should read my recent post I just added. It seems like we are in a quite similar situation, the difference is that I'm just a few weeks ahead of you in my process I guess. But our "Symphoms" seems to be quite similar. Just like me it seems like you have a lot of factors that...