Recent content by Michelle G

  1. M

    Unusual Thing Happened, Tinnitus Went Quiet After Getting Local Anaesthetic at the Dentist

    Hello, I am 15 years old and am going to need to extract my wisdom teeth in a year or less. I am very worried about the drill they use and if it may worsen my tinnitus due to the loud noise so close to your ear. Also, I have heard stories of developing tmj from wisdom tooth extraction due to...
  2. M

    Post a Picture of Your City :)

    Hello, 15 year old with tinnitus from Los Angeles! It's super hot here, but feel free to contact me if anyone visits!
  3. M

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    My 2nd ent (who is the chief of surgery at my hospital) suspected cochlear hydrops causedby standing next to a loud speaker at a concert back in April. He put me on a diuretic which helped me the first few days but my full feeling in my ears has gone back to how it was before. I saw him the...
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    Nasty Spikes

    I am 15 years old and I am the only student wearing ear plugs during fire alarms, assemblies, school concerts, etc. People often stare and get the gut to ask me why I am wearing them. I just say that I damaged my ears at a concert and don't want to create any further damage. Being the only kid...
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    Wearing Foam Ear Plugs on a Roller Coaster?

    I went to an amusement park recently while wearing 32 db foam earplugs. I was completely fine but I kindly asked my friends to refrain from screaming too much, so many do that. I have had fullness in my ear since my acoustic trauma and the ear plugs were fine on the rollercoaster. Although, I...
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    Meniere's Disease

    I am planning on getting another opinion, thank you. He said I might have cochlear hydrops which is basically early stages of Ménière's in which it doesn't effect the balance part of your ear. Not sure if this is true, but we'll see
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    Meniere's Disease

    Hello! I went to a very loud concert back in April and was standing right next to a speaker for over an hour. I then noticed that I got severe tinnitus. Thankfully, it calmed down to the point where it is now mild. But, my ears are blocked and I always have pressure in my ears since that day. I...
  8. M

    Confused: Strenuous Exercise and Hearing Some Sounds Like "Click" from My Head!

    I have the same thing except it's usually on the right side of my head/ear. I don't swallow or yawn etc when it happens.
  9. M

    Tinnitus + Anxiety

    I have anxiety from tinnitus. It isn't so severe that I need anti anxiety medication but it definitely affects my life greatly
  10. M

    I Think I Just Hurt My Ear with a Phone

    I am so sorry that you underwent such a traumatic experience with your T. Why did you cancel your trip? I have a trip in a week and am nervous for the flight and my T and ETD , but have been advised to take decongestants, afrin, and use ear plugs.
  11. M

    From Mild Ringing to Loud Hissing?

    Thank you for your response. Sorry I did not mention earlier, but I also developed a lot of ear fullness after my concert and after developing tinnitus. My doctors suspect Eustachian tube dysfunction. I am popping my ears to try get some relief from the fullness, not the tinnitus. I do not do...
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    From Mild Ringing to Loud Hissing?

    What if I just pop it my moving my jaw or swallowing?
  13. M

    From Mild Ringing to Loud Hissing?

    Why is that? My ent told me to perform the valsalva maneuver at least ten times a day, but I haven't as I heard that that could be harmful. I have just been opening my jaw and swallowing as much as possible which pops my ears
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    From Mild Ringing to Loud Hissing?

    I developed tinnitus almost 2 months ago from a loud concert. I got used to the ringing sound, but recently it has become a hissing sound. I can hear the hissing over the tv and it is more noticeable than my usually tinnitus. I am not sure if this could be related, but I have been popping my...
  15. M

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Went Away Completely in 2010 (No Habituation)

    Hello, I am 15 years old and have had tinnitus for almost 2 months now. I got it from a very loud concert. Over the months, the volume has decreased a lot but is still very much there. I also developed a constant feeling of ear fullness, jaw pain, popping, etc. Every doctor I have seen says that...