Recent content by mick

  1. mick

    Study Shows Introverts Have Worse Tinnitus. Are You an Introvert?

    I've not purposely mistated anything. I'm only pointing out the tone of your comments which seem to overridingly say "don't come to forums like these, don't ask questions of your peers, don't educate yourself (unless you educate your self through me) , ..." I find the tone of much of what you...
  2. mick

    Study Shows Introverts Have Worse Tinnitus. Are You an Introvert?

    I think introverts are much more likely to join a forum like this, so it won't surprise me if the tally indicates most responders are introverts.
  3. mick

    Study Shows Introverts Have Worse Tinnitus. Are You an Introvert?

    Why concern myself with such stuff??? Because it could be the clue that solves the problem! That is exactly why everyone should be interested in such things. It's talk and conversation. It's how humans learn. Sharing ideas, putting heads together. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but your...
  4. mick

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    all I absolutely agree with that. To know that you're receiving substandard healthcare, however, you have to educate yourself, and ask a lot of questions (of yourself, of doctors, of friends, neighbors ... and that includes internet neighbors). Unfortunately, there is a bias in the world...
  5. mick

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    I think that you make a few very big assumptions with that statement: 1) That people who ask questions on web sites blindly follow the advice they get (in other words that they ARE etupid), and 2) that the people who give their solicited advice are stupid (in other words that their advice is...
  6. mick

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    There just are not many doctors that I have run into (and I have seen over 60 in the past 3.5 years) who listen and do research on a patient's behalf. If they don't know the answer to something within 30 seconds, they are done thinking. And god forbid you try to fully explain what is going...
  7. mick

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    The idea is just to keep on a downward trend if you want to withdraw from the stuff without side effects or difficulty. There is evidence that every time you return to taking benzos, or increase your dosage significantly for long periods of time, the harder it is to withdraw. I am certain that...
  8. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    A point well made. However, in light of the study that suggests LLLT can stimulate stem cells, do you think LLLT or Fruit Loops is more worthy of research funds? :rolleyes: mick
  9. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    Just so I don't create a world of rebels with my comments... There are times where you have to suppress challenges for the greater good of a community. If you 're in the military, which is an organization where the community good almost always take precedence over the individual, I advise...
  10. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    We are in agreement with respect to our assessment of the probability of LLLT as practiced so far being helpful for tinnitus. I don't want people to accept my assessment without thinking about it on their own, I don't want people with opposing views to mine to not express them because they...
  11. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    I've thought of a better and shorter way to say what I have been trying to say. "Condemn the fraudsters, not the the technology." I think the number of people who read this thread who are going to be sucked in by LLLT fraud is very, very small at this point. If they are vulnerable to LLLT...
  12. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    I believe the burden of proof in on the person making the claim. It is very easy to prove that something is not 100% anything. All one has to do is show one exception or one bit of doubt, and that is what I see myself as having done. Its very hard to prove something to a probabilty of 1, and...
  13. mick

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    You should be able to cut your pills into something smaller than half. I was cutting 0.5 mg pills of Xanax into eighths. And even at that dose (0.0625 mg) I experienced some withdrawal symptoms on stopping. But that was Xanax, not Clonzepam. Fortunately those symptoms only lasted for a couple...
  14. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    Now I getting this - it is more about Wilden than LLLT. Okay - I get that.
  15. mick

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    Because I like stirring the pot sometimes .. if an alleged scammer truly believes that what he is providing is helpful, is he/she truly a scammer? To be a scammer, one has to have fraud as an intent. I agree that scammers exploit the lack of facts and uncertainty in the world along with the...