Recent content by Mike DiM-4

  1. Mike DiM-4

    A Hypochondriac: Increased Tinnitus or Just Anxiety? What Are Your Thoughts?

    Hi everyone, I'm a 21-year-old male from the Northeast U.S. I'm the type of person to observe things rather than speak out, but I've become quite concerned about tinnitus since the news of the CEO Kent Taylor taking his life. I'm trying to see if anyone has a similar story that may help me find...
  2. Mike DiM-4

    Questions About Tinnitus — I've Started Recently Noticing Mine More, and I'm Very Worried

    Thank you! Your answer to #2 definitely helped me calm down a little bit. For #3, I was actually referring to my jaw making those noises in my original question but when you mention ETD, I do get a popping/cracking in my ear when I yawn or swallow, but no other symptoms to go along with ETD...
  3. Mike DiM-4

    Questions About Tinnitus — I've Started Recently Noticing Mine More, and I'm Very Worried

    @racedy, thank you so much for the response. I was beginning to think my post wasn't going to get a reply. Just a follow/clarification question: when you (and others) say "stress/anxiety makes it worse", does this mean a spike in tinnitus or does tinnitus actually become louder? I can't tell...
  4. Mike DiM-4

    Questions About Tinnitus — I've Started Recently Noticing Mine More, and I'm Very Worried

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and I've recently been trying to do my own research about what I've been experiencing with tinnitus. 1) I've seen people referring to tinnitus from the brain vs. tinnitus from the ears, but isn't it the same thing? Tinnitus is the brain reproducing a sound, correct...