Recent content by MikeA

  1. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    I'm still doing well playing open mic events. Practice with the band is no more. I've averaged 7-8 open mics per month since January. The ones I attend really aren't very loud, and if a performer plays loud or with others that collectively play loud (ie. w/ electric guitar and bass guitar), I...
  2. MikeA

    Tinnitus: Ringing in the Brain | Josef Rauschecker | TEDxCharlottesville

    He used the verb "is", which is present tense. Research is ongoing at the present time, so help "is" on the way. I don't think he was projecting when a cure might be realized with that statement.
  3. MikeA

    Noise-Cancelling Headphones on Intercontinental Flight

    I really like the Direct Sound EX-29 Dynamic Closed Headphones. I have the Ex-29 and love them. I've checked noise levels in cabins. They tend to average around 80-85 dB. Take around 25 off of 85 and there's no worries...
  4. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    Update of this thread on 05/02/2017 I'm no longer actively "practicing" with the old band. It took about 1.5 years to see clearly that they have no desire to perform for an audience. Practicing songs, loudly in a small basement, is all they're interested in, along with recording a few originals...
  5. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    That's great. I'd say take a break for a while if that feels right, and work back in slowly as you gain confidence. I understand that with hearing protection many musicians do fine. I love the idea of playing BEHIND the P.A. speakers, after many years of standing in front of them!
  6. MikeA

    Safest Method of Earwax Removal for Tinnitus Sufferers?

    A few years ago an ENT pulled out two plugs of wax and hair using a small implement. I recall a tiny grasper with a long straight handle. Worked for me. Not a fan of large syringe blasts of H2O. I've been successful in the past using Debrox for a few days followed by a squirt of water from the...
  7. MikeA

    Not Coping at All

    I don't believe that the underlying T is fighting back. It is your limbic system responding to a fear of hearing the T over the ambient sounds. I personally feel that when there is environmental noise around us that it almost as "loud" as our T, we seek out the T sound. And it's easy to hear...
  8. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    Another update. See above posts for context. On Sunday we played 3 songs at an open mic. I guess I'm feeling pretty good about my T. The night before I saw other friends play a reunion show. At the side of the stage it's about 95 dB for 1.5 hours, and I use Mack's ear plugs which are rated at...
  9. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    I agree @Nati We live and learn. I bet you'll be fine if you take it easy for a few weeks. Emotional upset is indeed an aggravating factor for T.
  10. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    An update. Lately I've been spending more time working on arrangements that I do solo on acoustic guitar. Still may do something with the band, but only if a gig is booked. No more loud mistake-filled practices given the marginal commitment. I'm going to do some open mic nights and look for any...
  11. MikeA

    Have Musicians Given Up Playing?

    No. Never. I stopped playing in a band when I went back to college at age 28 (now 52) and moved away from family and friends. Over the years I partied in bars with earplugs, attended concerts, and only once, 3 years ago, did my T increase slightly. Now I'm jamming with friends (see my recent...
  12. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    Good points. The important thing, to me, is that everyone stays friends. I feel everyone should be candid about expectations and the level of commitment they can give. I'm brutally honest, to a fault. I assume most musicians are loath to say, "I'm not doing homework". But two of them have! Yet...
  13. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    In this case, he's generally a really nice guy. Before I caught up with the drummer and bass player and we reformed the band, he and I had seen each other several times a year, played racquetball, and generally get along very well. He has a very active social life with wife and grown kids, and...
  14. MikeA

    Experiences with Return to Playing Music in a Band

    Great. Thanks for the offer @PaulBe . But I think we should modify the set list to include more songs where you can show your stuff. Like the Black Crowes, Allman Brothers, etc...
  15. MikeA

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Nothing to worry about. As others have said, wear ear plugs or headphones. Your anxiety will lessen and make for a more enjoyable trip.