I use CBD oil and RSO oil, Rick Simpson Oil, that`s with THC( it is illegal), my tinnitus gets better but i don`t know for sure if it`s the oil or i am habituating. The RSO oil gives me a good deep sleep that makes me more rested so i can handle my t better, i think. RSO oil is used when people...
Is desyncra available in Europe? Anyone with a link where to get it?
There was another device quit simulair as the soundcure, called Salustim, it combined neuromodulation with Vagus Nervus stimulation.
@lymebite & @Bobby B
Is the cheaper one perhaps better to target your ears, it says it has a narrow beam angle for high penetration! The trick with both devices is how to, and how long to use it. I am scared that my T get worse or it does not work at all if i use it wrong, tricky, tricky...
Thanks for the information, i am doubting ordering the device myself. I am following your reply`s here, so keep posting! Thank you Starman9!
For 90 euro it`s worth giving it a shot, but how long and how frequent you must use it to be effective is not easy if you have to find out yourself!
Yes there is, a special device is developed bij the firm MEDLOUXX to threat tinnitus. They use the laser combined with music where your tinnitus frequency is filtered out.
I don`t know if it works, maybe try it in the future!
I am on the same path and slowly on it get, I get better. Try to be positive and the believe my life will be fun again helps huge, thank DD for sharing here!
I use NAC for my stress/burn out which probaply caused my tinnitus, i also use glutamine and glucosamine for the same reason, it helps me getting less stress, when i have less stress i have less tinnitus, it doesn`t make it worse, it helps me a bit!
NAC, is good for stress and therefore good for stressrelated tinnitus, also good is, glutamine and glucosamine for stress, i use it and it helps me getting more relaxed!
Hello, i am a 42 year old male from holland. I had an argument with my brother wich made me angry, my way to deal with this was go to the gym and sport, not normal, but two to three hours very intensive. Afterwards i smoked a joint and then the anger went away. That worked for me until august...