Recent content by misosoup98

  1. misosoup98

    Woke Up This Morning with Tinnitus and Temporary Hearing Loss in Left Ear

    I understand that T can and will get worse if I don't avoid noise and such. Unfortunately, avoiding music altogether is not feasible. Without a means to block out certain noises, my grades, emotional health, and mental health will all drop significantly. I know this because I used to go to a...
  2. misosoup98

    Woke Up This Morning with Tinnitus and Temporary Hearing Loss in Left Ear

    Stuck between a rock and a hard place with this. Either choice I make will have an effect on my health in the long run. I'm not really sure if I can make it 3-6 months without music at all, but I can definitely compromise the volume at which I listen. My mp3player goes up to 30, and my normal...
  3. misosoup98

    Woke Up This Morning with Tinnitus and Temporary Hearing Loss in Left Ear

    Yesterday we had a fire drill at the high school, and this time I didn't have my earbuds in like I normally do (I have misophonia and thus am very dependent on them). The hearing loss and ringing sound didn't start till I woke up this morning (the day after), though, and it was only in my left...