
Hi I'm Moni, age 25, I have been suffering from an undiagnosed neurological condition for a few years, gotta worse February of 2022 and battling anxiety and suicidal depression since March 2021. And had episodes of tinnitus as long as I can remember. 1/2/23 I started experiencing extreme sensitivity to sounds. All sounds. Normal sounds caused an uncomfortable fullness and then stabbing pain. By my own research I realized that I had warning signs of hyperacusis (fullness of ear) for at least a month maybe longer. Honestly I just thought I was losing hearing because of nerve issues and because I could still hear, I just continued life as normal. Till I went to a New Years party with a DJ. And two days later, I woke up to everything being painfully loud. From what I've read, this would be my first major setback? I'm not sure. But I have been trying to avoid loud sounds and bracing normal sounds without ear protection because I read that makes it worse.. and I noticed that when I am in silence, my tinnitus starts at a high pitch and it cause my already high anxiety to go into over drive. I joined this forum for help, guidance and support because I feel like I'm drowning.

Member statistics

Midwest United States
Tinnitus Since
Whole life?
Cause of Tinnitus
Funeral Staff


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