Recent content by MonstercatMusic

  1. MonstercatMusic

    Airport Mishap Increased Tinnitus. What Now?

    So I was at my local airport, it's quite small so only turbo prop planes land here. And only 2-3 spots for them to park. Usually I have no issue flying, but last time our plane was late so we were directed out onto the tarmac when another turbo prop plane was parking less than 10m away... With...
  2. MonstercatMusic

    Poll: Has Your Tinnitus Increased Over Time?

    Mine has got worse in 3 notable stages. At onset I could mask it with light wind outside and only hear it to an annoying degree in a silent room. Then randomly 5 months later I had multiple small increases (proabnky due to working in a moderately loud envoronment) . Still its was just about...
  3. MonstercatMusic

    Popping Ears by Blowing Nose Safe?

    So today I thought I'd pop my ears as my right ear felt dull in hearing. I think it's perforated as when I've previously popped it made a sound like air is passing through every time. This time I had been using ear drops. The combination of air moving through and liquid made a loud squelch...
  4. MonstercatMusic

    Not Sure of Sound Level. Did Something Dumb. Damage??

    So I forgot that I had my 16 dB reduction plugs in my pocket when I was waiting in line at a bar. The big speakers were only 6m or so from me with smaller speakers dotted round the whole place. It was loud enough that you had to raise your voice in someone's ear for them to hear you, but...
  5. MonstercatMusic

    Yet Another Ear Infection

    They didn't give me drops as the only drops they had in were steroid based. Could be coincidental but when I used a fluxonase steroid spray a few months ago I immideatly experienced floaters for the first time (never gone away) and now have visual snow (constant static effect over vision). It...
  6. MonstercatMusic

    Yet Another Ear Infection

    So a few days ago I got an outer ear infection that has caused my right ear (worse ear already) to swell shut. The painkillers I was prescribed aren't doing shit for the pain and for the past two nights I've woken up multiple times due to the pain. My tinnitus has also spiked in that ear to the...
  7. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    The spike died down thankfully. I reckon the sound peaked at like 125db when people where chanting for about 5mins. Wish I had brought my ear plugs earlier and worn them then. A mate had ringing after the event but lucky for them they won't know what living with it is like as it died down after...
  8. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    Somewhere that involves large cheering / shouting crowds and irresponsibly loud speakers. Was there twice. Once for 45mins once for 2hrs. (At least during the 2hrs it wants continuously high leve but still pushing it) It wasnt a concert but I dont want to explain in case someone i know comes...
  9. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    Funny you mention that product. Just ordered them after being stuck in a 100db environment for a while again not long after this post. My T hasnt spiked at all. It's louder than it used to be as it randomly spiked a week before these incidents. You know the random spikes that last like 10...
  10. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    This is the only time since my T I've done such a thing. Not like I got to concerts every few weeks and all that. They are probably on the same noise level though. I'm not being 'Brave' as other have refered to it. I'm in a new environment with people I don't know so I'm not gonna lock myself...
  11. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    Kinda hard to avoid moderately loud noise where I am. Don't be such a scare monger
  12. MonstercatMusic

    Exposed to Over 100 dB for Ages — Panicking

    So I ended up in a situation where I was exposed to somewhere in 100 dB range for about 45 mins. I was annoyed at myself for not leaving and just powering through. Now my tinnitus has spiked moderately (but not extremely) and I'm really pissed off because I may or may not have damaged my...
  13. MonstercatMusic

    Workplace Noise

    Not in the USA MATE. I figured it' not good for me. However I've only been at it for some days now so how likely will I have sustained hearing loss. After work I typically dont allow any noise above 45db for at least 10hrs. I'm really worried aboht my hearing as it has been top notch till my...
  14. MonstercatMusic

    Workplace Noise

    Hello So my workplace has noise levels of around 70 dB constantly with regular spikes of 90-100 dB due to mishaps and constant clanging of metal on metal. There is also one machine that is used every 5 mins or so that can do about 105 dB for 1 second each time it's used. I think I have mild...
  15. MonstercatMusic

    Starting to Feel as Though It Won't Go Away

    What's your opinion on my struggle with background noise and tv dialog from time to time.