Recent content by mpoinar

  1. mpoinar

    Question About Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Today the beat that I hear dropped down to 42 beats per minute while at the same time, my heart rate was 76. It's such a mystery to me.
  2. mpoinar

    Question About Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thanks, Karen. I understand that nearly everyone's pulsatile tinnitus's sound is in sync with their heartbeat. And I wonder what I am hearing since it's not connected to my heartbeat. Would anyone have a clue?
  3. mpoinar

    Question About Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Sara, I so appreciate your reply. Do you hear yours all the time too? I've been hearing this steadily non stop for about 8 months now. It IS odd, I agree and thanks!
  4. mpoinar

    Question About Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hi, since the summer, I've heard a beat in my head kind of like a clock ticking and I feel it throughout my body at times. It always beats at just 60 beats a minute and does not match my heartbeat at all. My heartbeat is all over the place but the other beat doesn't change. If a person has...