Recent content by mt5

  1. M

    Over It or Habituation?

    Hi guys; So I posted awhile ago here about this - I got tinnitus as a result of an ear infection in late December. However, since then it has noticeably decreased (today is about a month of no ear infection - I had to take two rounds of anti-bios). I really can only hear it if I press my...
  2. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    So some good news - there's negative pressure in my left ear along with some blockage of my ET. My ENT and I are going to work to get it cleared with nasal sprays and such. There's a good chance that's what is causing my tinnitus. Hoping for the best
  3. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    Yeah, my tinnitus isn't noise induced. I dont really ever go around loud noises, nor do I have much of a social life (lol). I just want to make sure nothing they do causes permanent damage to my ear!
  4. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    You're sure these tests caused it?? I think that I might still have a partial ear infection and that I will get a stronger antibiotic tomorrow ...
  5. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    What tests did they sent you off to?
  6. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    I've got my appointment with the ENT tomorrow. Any questions I should be sure I ask?
  7. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    So then there's no chance that this thing will go away? There's no chance that this tinnitus I'm suffering can disappear?
  8. M

    [Venting] I've Had It

    I need to personally vent on this forum. I'm sorry ahead of time. Maybe a lot of you will be able to sympathize with my sentiments. Over 1 month ago, I got tinnitus in my left ear caused presumably by an ear infection. I had one night with it pretty bad in November, but I went to bed and it...
  9. M

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I usually just fall asleep to the TV or nothing at all. My tinnitus isnt that loud. It it gets bad, I usually take a quarter or half of a valium pill. That knocks me out within 15-30 mins and gives me a solid 6-7 hours.
  10. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    Really? How long would the infection have to last in order for it to cause permanent damage? Surely, if you catch it early and get medication to combat it that wouldn't lead to anything permanent right?
  11. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    Hm, so like normal I'm probably way overreacting to this condition. Is there really a chance that ETD/ear infection can cause permanent damage to the point where tinnitus lasts forever ?
  12. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    Sorry to keep quoting you, lol. My ears pop/click a lot when I swallow as well. Does that indicate potential ETD/fluid in the ear space ?
  13. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    Yeah, I didnt really think the cause was from my back. I couldn't find any literature that pointed to any possible connections. I was just trying to grasp at straws and find a "plausible connection" for my brain to fixate on. I'll ask my ENT and see what he thinks though. My GP did note that...
  14. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    I don't really notice any difference when I move the muscle. The tinnitus seems fairly constant. Plus, the pulled muscle is on the right side and my tinnitus is focused in my left ear. I noticed that your cause listed is from TMJ - does that mean there's a chance that if its ETD it can go...
  15. M

    Questions About Causes/Exacerbation of Tinnitus?

    A few weeks ago, I noticed a "whoosing" sound in my ear that would come and go intermittently. I had been traveling a lot for job interviews, so I chalked it up to stress and such. However, recently around new years a high pitched noise came about with it. I went to my Doctor and she said it was...