Recent content by Natester1986

  1. Natester1986

    It has been a year since tinnitus set in. Hasn't got any worse, nor better. Very rarely...

    It has been a year since tinnitus set in. Hasn't got any worse, nor better. Very rarely experience silence but that's fine.
  2. Natester1986

    Almost a year since tinnitus set in. Has not increased in intensity and there is no hyperacusis.

    Almost a year since tinnitus set in. Has not increased in intensity and there is no hyperacusis.
  3. Natester1986

    Doing great. Tinnitus is the same. Mostly been mild but some spikes to moderate. No hyperacusis.

    Doing great. Tinnitus is the same. Mostly been mild but some spikes to moderate. No hyperacusis.
  4. Natester1986

    Almost 4 months since tinnitus onset and it hasn't worsened at all. Taking it in stride (it...

    Almost 4 months since tinnitus onset and it hasn't worsened at all. Taking it in stride (it doesn't bug me at all).
  5. Natester1986

    Tinnitus doesn't bother me at all.

    Tinnitus doesn't bother me at all.
  6. Natester1986

    My tinnitus spiked to 7 out of 10 during the last few minutes of my shift at work today. The...

    My tinnitus spiked to 7 out of 10 during the last few minutes of my shift at work today. The spike was brief, thankfully.
  7. Natester1986

    Mine does. It was really really quiet during the early afternoon, now it's back to borderline...

    Mine does. It was really really quiet during the early afternoon, now it's back to borderline moderate.
  8. Natester1986

    I can hear up to 13330 hertz now. Getting better.

    I can hear up to 13330 hertz now. Getting better.
  9. Natester1986

    Just listened to the Hearing Test HD video and I can hear up to 13000 hertz. Improvement from...

    Just listened to the Hearing Test HD video and I can hear up to 13000 hertz. Improvement from not hearing beyond 12000 hertz.
  10. Natester1986

    I wonder how many people have deeply regretted going to an ENT that worsened their tinnitus...

    I wonder how many people have deeply regretted going to an ENT that worsened their tinnitus. FYI I didn't visit and ENT thank goodness.
  11. Natester1986

    This morning in the 5 AM hour, my tinnitus spiked to 7 out of 10. Wasn't fun at all...

    This morning in the 5 AM hour, my tinnitus spiked to 7 out of 10. Wasn't fun at all. Thankfully the spike didn't last long.
  12. Natester1986

    I can't tell if my tinnitus is caused by my middle ear or my inner ear. It doesn't seem to be...

    I can't tell if my tinnitus is caused by my middle ear or my inner ear. It doesn't seem to be coming from my inner ear.
  13. Natester1986

    Just found out that listening to those really high frequencies that you cannot hear at full...

    Just found out that listening to those really high frequencies that you cannot hear at full volume is damaging to your ears. Whoops!
  14. Natester1986

    Hearing Test on YouTube

    Coming back to this thread, I'm deaf to anything above 13 khz. My tinnitus has been gradually increasing in frequency but not in intensity.
  15. Natester1986

    Amazing News for Everyone! Perceived Tinnitus Loudness Is Always Related to Emotional Perception

    By 8 or higher, I'm talking about tinnitus severity. The scale can be found here: