Recent content by NickMakesArt

  1. N

    Tinnitus Worse After COVID-19: My ENT Appointment Is in 12 Days — Too Long to Wait?

    Sorry if this has been asked near a billion times already... :oops: I am on my second round of Prednisone since February 1. I was already on a short five day course, 20 mg twice a day. That was before seeing the ENT. ENT noticed some hearing loss in left ear. Maybe due to my recent COVID-19...
  2. N

    Tinnitus Worse After COVID-19: My ENT Appointment Is in 12 Days — Too Long to Wait?

    Just curious - and I don’t want to come off like an idiot here so please forgive me. I have had ongoing tinnitus issues for my life but only very recently has it become invasive and “an issue” after recovering from COVID-19. It came out of nowhere as a low pitched whistle to a now very loud “dog...