Recent content by nmackintosh

  1. N

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    Not that I know. I don’t have neck pain, but according to information I found online, it seems like it could be vestibular migraines. However, the symptoms can feel really strange at times. I experience daily headaches and dizziness, and my tinnitus tends to worsen during an episode.
  2. N

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    Thanks. I have tried Nortriptyline with a bit of success but I will try a few other things. The straight up eye pain is the weirdest symptom.
  3. N

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    Hey everyone, I've had tinnitus for about eight years due to an acoustic trauma. Along with that, I've experienced intermittent dizziness, headaches, and eye pain. For the past year or so, these symptoms have become a daily occurrence and don't seem to be improving. Has anyone else experienced...
  4. N

    Definitely the sugar

    Definitely the sugar
  5. N

    Aw shitty... it's fluctuates and stress and anxiety play a huge factor

    Aw shitty... it's fluctuates and stress and anxiety play a huge factor
  6. N

    Loud noise at work... what about yourself?

    Loud noise at work... what about yourself?
  7. N

    I am alright. I have had it for 7 years but seems to get worse at times.

    I am alright. I have had it for 7 years but seems to get worse at times.
  8. N

    Hey read some of your posts. Hope u are doing OK... it will get better

    Hey read some of your posts. Hope u are doing OK... it will get better
  9. N

    Tinnitus for Over a Decade: I Used to Love Going Out to Loud Clubs and Gigs — Now It's Become Worse

    Ya thats all u can do really.... let me know if u ever wanna talk
  10. N

    Tinnitus for Over a Decade: I Used to Love Going Out to Loud Clubs and Gigs — Now It's Become Worse

    @Jessyroo hey ya i have had t hyperacusis and ear fullness/pain for the last four years after an accident at work. Honestly everyday has been tough but there have been times i have been able to shut it out. Any amount of stress makes it worse for sure so i would try and keep your stress levels...
  11. N

    Tinnitus Since 2017 from Shooting a Gun without Protective Gear

    Umm its goes up and down... pretty sure its the same volume from day one but certain things can spike it... there are lots of factors on how loud it sounds to me
  12. N

    Tinnitus Since 2017 from Shooting a Gun without Protective Gear

    Hey @Jennifer McCann i also got t from something that was my own fault. Its tough... i have had it for 4 years and its had its ups and downs... anything else u do to cope?
  13. N

    Feeling Alone and Scared — Did Sleepeaze Cause My Tinnitus, Crackling and Ear Fullness?

    Hey sorry to hear about your situation. Let me know if you want to chat.
  14. N

    New Here! How I Stop Focusing on the Sound in My Head? Where Do You Seek Help?

    Ya quite a few spikes. Useally has to do with stress and whatnot