Recent content by nyjag

  1. nyjag

    June 2021: Vote on Your Favourite Research Paper!

    I have tinnitus due to damaged/lost cilia in my inner ear and can pinpoint when and how it occurred. When the technology exists for (successful) cilia replacement surgery, I will volunteer myself to Guinea pig the procedure. Until then... see above.
  2. nyjag

    June 2021: Vote on Your Favourite Research Paper!

    I picked 4 by the way. I'm close to 60, mom and pop both have hearing aids, my wife is now constantly reminding me I "talk too loud", and I watch tele w/ captions to not miss dialogue (except w/ sports). I never use captions w/sports.
  3. nyjag

    June 2021: Vote on Your Favourite Research Paper!

    I accept that I have it. It's been a part of my daily life since 2013. I am at peace with and no longer worry about it. Sure, I need to trick it to fall asleep (which led me to the wonderful world of podcasts). But to be honest, if it were to suddenly move on, I think I would miss my noisy headmate.
  4. nyjag

    24/7 Tinnitus Acceptance

    The Doc was pretty honest and not very encouraging about it going away, which actually helped me accept it as just something I need to deal with. She did recommended I try a sound masking app, but I found it more annoying and distracting than my tinnitus.
  5. nyjag

    24/7 Tinnitus Acceptance

    Thanks, hope you're right. It's the falling asleep, once I get there, I'm OK until morning.... FL is pretty friendly. Going "quiet" is mandatory for me and will keep me in the sport. A little expensive, but worth it.
  6. nyjag

    24/7 Tinnitus Acceptance

    Compared to other T sufferers on this Forum, I really don't have much to complain about, but I am interested to know if/when there are any new developments on this annoying condition. For as long as I could remember I've had occasional ringing in my ears that would last anywhere from minutes to...