Recent content by Oli

  1. Oli

    Intermittent Ear Pain Since the Onset of My Tinnitus

    My pain feel like a needle peircing throught my ear at random moment in the day You did Stem cells??? Was it in a trial? I'm in Canada I don't know if I got those treatments in Montreal As for my OCD then are always there but I got a huge spike recently because I stoped using all substances at...
  2. Oli

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    I am also trying it and had the stomach pain that bill is talking about
  3. Oli

    Intermittent Ear Pain Since the Onset of My Tinnitus

    Same for me it's hard to know really... but I think in my case the ETD is more probable than TMJ Anyone know if they can see with an MRI if you have ETD or TMJ issues? I never did an MRI
  4. Oli

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    Yes some of these testimonials explain that they put apple cider vinegar INTO their ears... I think that .bill was implying just consuming it (drink), just saying. (by testimonials I meant comments that we see above the article)
  5. Oli

    What Religion Are You?

    I may check it out eventually but I'm not in a good place right now so it may take sometime for me to give you my feedback on it
  6. Oli

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    Dont worry some say the opposite about acoustic trauma versus other cases. We just cant say nothing surely at this point, there is no evidences to either sides.
  7. Oli

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    I also enjoy other kind of music like rap and electronics but from a very limited range of artist (Mantis was actual the best concert I never attended, wait for the drop you will be amaze)
  8. Oli

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Yes! The breakdowns are amazing (almost constant)
  9. Oli

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    My last is a great headbanger (after that I sometimes wonder why I have tinnitus...) Was not helping to listen to these at an unreasonable volume
  10. Oli

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Followed by my second, I don't really enjoy music that is too much mainstream most of time, there is so much hidden gems!
  11. Oli

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Here is mine
  12. Oli

    Intermittent Ear Pain Since the Onset of My Tinnitus

    Hi, Oliver here I'm having intermittent ear pain since the onset of my tinnitus one year and a half ago and all the last times I went to a doctor or ENT they say they can do nothing about it and it's very frustrating. Do you have advice on something I can try? It can be medication...
  13. Oli

    What Religion Are You?

    Yes but I first assumed you were comparing christianity with marxism because of facism But when I talk about unfairness I talk more about social dispositions like being born in a ghetto to be factors that predispose a negative correlation to success in life. Someone can always better their...
  14. Oli

    What Religion Are You?

    Incentives to implement a project like the venus can be to stop the course of climate change by living in autosuffisant cities that are stable for the environment and mitigating the effects it will have on future generations, personal gains (virtue and materials) like feeling we are doing...
  15. Oli

    What Religion Are You?

    Jacque Fresco believed that with all his project implemented, there was no need to be obligated to work all day from 9 to 5 for 50 years and automation will just need little work of maintenance. The rest of the population will be free to work when they want for the better goods after that but...