Recent content by Omar_M

  1. O

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    This isn’t your race to run, and there’s no trophy. What I’m sharing is about my experience with tinnitus. When I was at my worst moments with tinnitus, I saw no benefit in creating posts. There were times I was very active in this community, but only as a reader—not as a contributor. I...
  2. O

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    I think it’s been close to three years now since my noise-induced tinnitus began. I won’t go into the specifics of how it happened, but basically, a loud, piercing noise was exposed directly to my right ear. For a long while, my tinnitus was all I could think about. I had many sleepless nights...