Recent content by OneTimePoster

  1. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    In my case it is clearly stress related. Only way to get out of the cycle is to allow it, like I explained in my main post. I had migraines, painful neck that I almost couldn't move, a vibrating hum in ears, restless legs, and all kinds of symptoms related to the stress. I handled them the same...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    I had my hearing tested and didn't have any hearing loss. In the group of people I did the TRT based therapy with, there were people with hearing loss too. I have no clue what type. The audiologist mentioned that if you hear less external sounds you could hear internal sounds more easily, but...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @dipp I've been through something similar. I also read many stories of people who had to habituate for a second time. For your brain this is new, and a threat all over again. But for you it is also recognizable as a type of thing you overcame before. The stories I read all said habituating for...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @Jarin Maurer Thank you too, be sure to let people here know when you are through this difficult period again! Any insights can help others too I hope.
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Hey! You are right, these are the setbacks that are part of the process. They are truly the hardest things I ever experienced in my life, there were times I hoped I would never wake up again. I feel for you. BUT they are not bad things, they are needed for recovery. These are the times when a...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Yes. The hearing loss is another story, I think it can heal to an extent, and there are new treatments to even repair the tiny hair cells, but not yet to the point where they can heal all hearing damage. I've been there! Try to view the downs as something positive, this is the place where you...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @Calimike I've read and experienced two types of habituation, one comes after the other. At first you don't care about it anymore, then you actually don't hear it anymore unless you try to hear it (which you won't do often because it's too unimportant). At some point you can not even "find" it...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Sounds like you are on the right road!
  9. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @Calimike It makes sense, your brain still sees the internal noise as a threat. When there is a threat the brain will increase focus on it (a lot), to make you get away from the threat. In this case that is impossible, which is exactly why this is so extremely scary. Luckily the threat is not...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @Calimike It might just be temporary, it's only a very short time since you had it. And if it's not, there is habituation, which is just as good. I was in complete panic for 2-3 months. You seem to be handling it much better already. It's scary, but that will pass. I think masking might be good...
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    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    I think stress is always connected to it, because if it wasn't, you wouldn't be hearing the tinnitus or wouldn't mind hearing it. The brain filters out many things, a lot happens in your body that you aren't aware of, I always like the example of the fact that you see your nose all day long, yet...
  12. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Listen to your body. If your focus get's pulled to the tinnitus, then trust that this is what your body needs and listen to it and allow everything that comes up, thoughts, emotions. As soon as you are distracted, or bored, just do something else. Also listen to your body that when you're aware...
  13. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Our brains somehow categorized tinnitus as a threat, which is VERY scary in the beginning. During this stage people try to find help, in their despair they get really negative, scared, sad, hopeless, frustrated and/or angry. It truly feels like nothing can be done, and the end of the world...
  14. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    Working out does nothing now. Really I can only hear it, far away, softly in the background, when I'm in a completely silent room and actively look for it. The only reason I did this a couple of times was to think about how powerful the brain is, able to make an internal sound about the worst...
  15. O

    My Positive Story and Insights to Habituation

    @Timothy 87 Yes that was the case for me too, in the beginning I was actually scared to workout because of this. I think it has to do with the limbic system again, when you get tired from working out, tiredness can make you more vulnerable to stress, this in turn is closely related to tinnitus...