Recent content by PatrickG

  1. PatrickG

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Don't do it. As I wrote before, me and several others got severe visual snow syndrome after short treatment. It's worse than my severe tinnitus. You've been warned.
  2. PatrickG


    Not much because of that attitude. People complain in forums for tinnitus, floaters, visual snow etc. But very very few want to donate and make a difference. With so many sufferers, there would maybe already be a cure. People are here on Tinnitus Talk but also here very few donate money which is...
  3. PatrickG

    Punched in Ear. Will My Tinnitus Go Away?

    Hi man! I'll quickly tell my story. I was very into martial arts and one day I got punched on my right ear really hard. I got the normal ringing for about 5 days and it disappeared. Then a guy hit me on the same ear from behind and I got very severe tinnitus that brought me to the brink of...
  4. PatrickG


    Things are happening! Donate to make a difference for yourself and all sufferers.
  5. PatrickG

    How Don't Rappers and Rockstars Get Tinnitus?

    I heard it has a lot to do with insurance issues. If they say they have tinnitus they maybe won't be allowed to tour.
  6. PatrickG

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    Yes exactly, directly/square on the ear.
  7. PatrickG

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    Hi @Elfin ! I'm sorry that happened to you. No just as bad and awful as always.
  8. PatrickG

    Is Your Static/Hissing Sound Constant or Wavering/Oscillating?

    No not even for two seconds. It's a dream to have it settle to something I can get used to.
  9. PatrickG

    Is Your Static/Hissing Sound Constant or Wavering/Oscillating?

    Settle, like in that it stabilizes, or becomes lower? My T also changes in number of noises and intensity from day to day but very rarely becomes lower. If it does, it's only for maybe for a couple of hours.
  10. PatrickG

    Is Your Static/Hissing Sound Constant or Wavering/Oscillating?

    I have several different sounds that are changing every second. High pitch hiss, clicking, humming, crickets etc. I've had it for three years and it hasn't stabilized at all. Habituation will most probably never happen and it's almost like getting tinnitus over and over and over again...
  11. PatrickG

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    Danny had problems with tinnitus, yes. And even bigger problems in his personal life. But probably the biggest problem he had was his visual snow syndrome. It tormented him far more than his tinnitus. And he got his VS from Trobalt which he took for his tinnitus... And I also got VS from...
  12. PatrickG

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    It’s been over two years now and my T is just as bad as in the beginning. I haven’t habituated at all because it’s always changing. It’s torture and I’m on my knees but I’m not on my back on the ground. My life, just like most here, is a 24/7 struggle. The most positive is that I found the best...
  13. PatrickG

    Complexed and Fluctuating Sounds

    I have the same thing. Lots of sound that are changing and fluctuating every single second. You're not alone.
  14. PatrickG

    @Christian78 that is correct. Answered in Trobalt thread. Me, Danny and a guy called Alessandro...

    @Christian78 that is correct. Answered in Trobalt thread. Me, Danny and a guy called Alessandro all have severe VS from Trobalt
  15. PatrickG

    Hello @vermillion ! How can I help you?

    Hello @vermillion ! How can I help you?