Recent content by peter1974

  1. peter1974

    Should I Wear Earplugs at the Dentist?

    I have had plenty of dental work and 2 route canals with heavy drilling in the years I have had T. Effect of Tinnitus = ZERO
  2. peter1974

    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    I have a 11Khz hiss about in both ears. Changes through the day. Some times the volume goes down and seems to be affected by food intake types and also by tiredness as well. It seems to be also affected by noises around me. For me I just got tired of stressing about something that has no cure or...
  3. peter1974

    Does Everyone REALLY Get Used to This?

    Yes you can. I have had Tinnitus for 3 years almost. I hibernated after about 1 year plus. Key is to accept it as a noise you body is making. Like breathing. Do you hear yourself breath all the time?. Only difference is you can stop breathing to stop the noise right ;D. Eat well, exercise well...
  4. peter1974

    The Fear of Getting Worse

    Had my T for 2 years and its improved over that time. Maybe my brain has adjusted or maybe its gone down in volume, because I don't stress or notice it that much anymore.
  5. peter1974

    Dental Works

    I have had 3 root canals over the years. 3 filling and 1 root canal since having T 2 years ago. No effect on my T good or bad.
  6. peter1974

    Vaccinations (Hepatitis A/B & Tetanus)

    Thanks for the information. ;D I have the first 2 on Monday... eek. Sure it will be fine...
  7. peter1974

    Vaccinations (Hepatitis A/B & Tetanus)

    Hi, It has been a while since I last visited the forums. I had many life changes over the past year. I am in a good place at the moment. Anyway, I wanted to ask advice on vaccinations. Next March I will go to Asia and need to have Hepatitis A/B and Tetanus. I have read that these can cause...
  8. peter1974

    Earwax Removal (Syringing)

    Been a while since I visited this forum ;D . I hibernated to my tinnitus now and had it for just over a year. I also got mine like Markku. Went in for a ear syringed and got it a few days after ;(.
  9. peter1974

    Ear Blockage Cleaned — Now Tinnitus

    Only one ear was syringed and that developed T
  10. peter1974

    Ear Blockage Cleaned — Now Tinnitus

    Yes for sure. It spikes less often also.
  11. peter1974

    Ear Blockage Cleaned — Now Tinnitus

    Don't visit here much anymore. Have more good days than bad. Secret is just to get on with life..;)
  12. peter1974

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Came back last week from my first week flying. Used nasel decongestants and took paracetamol before the flight. On the trip there I used only earplanes on landing. However my tinnitus ear did ache on taking off. So coming back I used them for the whole flight and it was better. Only thing was...
  13. peter1974

    Is Winding Up/Reactive Tinnitus Hypercusis?

    I think you should not protect your ears too much however. When I listen to music TV etc I generally use only my right ear with in ear head phone to reduce fatigue on my T ear. Hissing gets better, at one stage cars used to make my ears hiss when they went passed me on the street. But not...
  14. peter1974

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Flying for the first time since I got T on next Wednesday. A little nervous ,will use ear planes for landing and take decongestant and painkillers prior to flight. Having reactive T so perhaps my ears will spike...
  15. peter1974

    Is Winding Up/Reactive Tinnitus Hypercusis?

    I think the problem with T is as it gets better your tolerance also changes. Because mine is no where as bad as it was but it annoys me as much as it did.