Recent content by PeterPan

  1. PeterPan

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of Sound Enrichment in the Treatment of Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss

    The results are remarkable, though the eligibility criteria for participants are more restrictive than in most trials. Taken at face value, the results suggest that the treatment is highly effective.
  2. PeterPan

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    In the Dr. Shore device, the tone played matches the frequency of the tinnitus. This is not the case with the Lenire device. The Lenire team analyzed trial participants who, by chance, had tinnitus at the same frequency as the tone played by the device but found no improved response in these...
  3. PeterPan

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of Sound Enrichment in the Treatment of Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss

    The Susan Shore device has generated a lot of press in the mainstream media, but the results for her device are nowhere near as convincing as the results from this study.
  4. PeterPan

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of Sound Enrichment in the Treatment of Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss

    What I’d like to know is what percentage of chronic tinnitus sufferers meet the eligibility criteria for this treatment. Let’s say it’s 50%. If we take the results of this trial at face value, it’s fair to say the author has solved the problem of chronic tinnitus for 50% of the population. So...
  5. PeterPan

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of Sound Enrichment in the Treatment of Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss

    The same author wrote this paper. The results show that the therapy does NOT work for those without residual inhibition. Interestingly, the results for the residual inhibition group were not as good/convincing as those in the paper under discussion. Perhaps he was more selective in the most...
  6. PeterPan

    Investigation of the Effectiveness of Sound Enrichment in the Treatment of Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss

    I noticed a few things about the participants. They are all relatively young, ranging in age from 18 to 43, and their tinnitus frequency is tightly clustered around 6.2 kHz. The average duration of tinnitus was two years, with none lasting longer than four years. A few candidates had reverse...
  7. PeterPan

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Why didn’t they have a question at the end something like: “In either weeks 1-6 OR 12-17 you were subject to a low level electric shock. Which do you think it was?” And then compare what they thought with what actually happened. If the responses indicated that the participants couldn’t tell...
  8. PeterPan

    Auditory Mirror Therapy for Treatment of Tinnitus

    Maybe it has worked, and they’re delaying the publication of results until they can figure out how to protect their IP. :) There have been some recent articles on this therapy with a bit more information: Researchers Develop Headphones That May Treat Tinnitus by Rewiring the Brain The...
  9. PeterPan

    Hearing Aids

    Some people say this and others say you need to wear hearing aids for a while for them to work. Would it be possible to set up an online question for this? Something like: I have used hearing aids, and they are benefiting me. A) The benefit was perceptible within less than 30 minutes of...
  10. PeterPan

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    All these Lenire studies have one thing in common. That is, they cannot distinguish differences between the results of various arms. If they could show that one arm was statistically better than another, it would be conclusive proof that it is doing something. Instead, no matter how different...
  11. PeterPan

    Auditory Mirror Therapy for Treatment of Tinnitus

    According to this, the estimated study completion date is 2024-01-30. Not sure what the "estimated study completion date" actually means. I guess it could be the completion of the trial and the publication of the trial results could be subject to another timeline...
  12. PeterPan

    Mulberries Improved My Sleep Quality with Tinnitus

    Last night my wife and I walked to a nearby neighnorhood mulberry tree for a good feed of mulberries (we used a torch as it was late). I woke this morning after a very good night sleep. And for the first time in quite a while I had a very engaging and vivid dream. Linking the two, I did some...
  13. PeterPan

    Mirtazapine Helped Me

    Does anyone know if Mirtazapine is the type of medication that can be taken ad hoc? Usually I know before going to bed when I am going to have a rough night sleeping (maybe once every 3 or 4 nights) and would be good if I could take it on these nights only (presumably this would help to reduce...
  14. PeterPan

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Yes, that's what she is saying. Clinical trial designs can be broadly classified into parallel and cross-over designs. In the parallel design one group of people get treatment A and one gets treatment B (one of which may be a placebo) and the impact on the patients are compared between groups...
  15. PeterPan

    Auditory Mirror Therapy for Treatment of Tinnitus

    It does seem like there is some science/rationale behind this approach. More information here: I'm hoping we get some info about the results of this trial soon. If it's successful, maybe someone on Tinnitus Talk who is good at electronics/soldering could set up a business shipping out...