Rachel Murray

I have 3 different sounds of strong Tinnitus (ringing, fridge sound and air con engine styles) in both ears, severe TTTS (Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome) in my right eardrum, and mild hyperacusis in right ear.
My T is stable for some months now, with some variations related to anxiety or exterior stimulation. I have learnt to live with it.
My TTTS / hyperacusis is much worse since last August.
Now that I know that what I have in my eardrum is TTTS (thank you, TT Forum) - doctors kept saying it was a variation of Tinnitus and I used to feel confused and scared - I feel stronger and happier.
I cried like a baby when I saw the TTTS symptoms - I was not crazy, it exists!
I'm still getting used to this non-stop crazy vibration but since I found out that I don't have "strange T" and have in fact T and TTTS, I accepted my condition and can finally relax a little. And also have a little of hope and faith!
God bless you all, members of TT Forum!

Member statistics

Aug 15, 1969 (Age: 55)
Amsterdam, NL
Tinnitus Since



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