Recent content by Rangelem

  1. Rangelem

    My Tinnitus Origin Story: Angiogram Made Everything Worse (Ear Pain, Pressure, Terrible Tinnitus)

    Hey there! No, it was a cerebral angiogram, which is the one where they put a catheter in your groin up to your neck arteries to look at your brain arteries and stuff. It was over two months ago, so unfortunately, I don't think it was due to the contrast. I'm afraid that that procedure caused a...
  2. Rangelem

    My Tinnitus Origin Story: Angiogram Made Everything Worse (Ear Pain, Pressure, Terrible Tinnitus)

    Hey everyone, I hope you're hanging in there through these tough times. I'm 32 years old, a fan of metal music, and dealing with chronic illness now, I guess. I've had ringing in my ears (tinnitus) my whole life, but it used to be rare, lasting only a few seconds and occurring maybe twice a...